Antibody & Biopsy,
Patient Info
Type | Disease | Cellular localization |
with periodicity

Metachromatic Leukodystrophy |
Schwann cell Macrophage Axon |
Fabry's | Vascular Perineurial Schwann cell, non-myelinating |
Niemann-Pick, Type 1 | All except axon |
Batten-Kufs | Schwann cell Vascular Fibroblast |
Toxic (Lysosomal)
Similar inclusions: Cockayne
Vascular: Endothelial & smooth muscle
Nerve: Perineurial;
Schwann cells (Non-myelinating) |
Zebra bodies |
Metachromatic Leukodystrophy |
Schwann cell Macrophage |
Mucopolysaccharidosis | Schwann cell-myelinating Fibroblast |
Fabry's |
Vascular Perineurial |
Niemann-Pick |
Schwann cell Endothelial Macrophage |
Pi granules | Schwann cell |
cleft or polygonal space
| Krabbe |
Schwann cell Macrophage |
Adrenoleukodystrophy |
Schwann cell Macrophage |
Farber's disease |
Endothelial cell |
Empty vacuoles |
Tangier disease |
Schwann cell, non-myelinating |
GM1 gangliosidosis | Vascular Fibroblast |
I-cell disease | Schwann cell, non-myelinating Fibroblast Perineurial |
Mucopolysaccharidosis | Fibroblast Vascular Schwann cell |
Cerebrotendinous xanthomatosis | Schwann cell |
Wolman's disease | All |
Sialidosis, type 1 | Schwann cell |
Farber's disease (Lipogranulomatosis; FRBRL)
Acid ceramidase (ASAH)

Chromosome 8p22; Recessive
- Clinical
- Nerve: Hypotonia; Distal atrophy
- Skin: Lipogranulomatosis; Nodules: Periarticular subcutaneous
- CNS: Mental & motor retardation; Hoarse cry
- Systemic: Hepatomegaly; Splenomegaly; Nephropathy
- Joints: Painful, Swollen
- Eyes: Macular cherry-red spots
- Prognosis: Respiratory insufficiency; Death 2 to 20 years
- Lab
- Neuronal & glial storage of nonsulfonated acid mucopolysaccharide
- Elevated urine ceramide levels
- N-laurylsphingosine deacylase deficiency
- Ceramidase deficiency
- Electrophysiology
- Nerve conduction velocities: Slow
- Pathology
- Systemic: Granulomatous infiltration of liver, spleen, lungs, and thymus
- Farber bodies: Curved, tubular; Vacuolar & cytoplasmic; Ceramide
- Nerve
- Hypomyelination
- Schwann cells: Inclusions
- Myelinating: Electron-lucent membrane-bound clefts
- Non-myelinating: Membrane bound, elongated bodies
Giant Axonal Neuropathy 1 (GAN1)
Gigaxonin (GAN; GAN1; KLHL16)

Chromosome 16q23.2; Recessive
- Epidemiology: > 70 patients
- Genetics
- Mutations
- Bi-allelic loss-of-function
- Types; Missense; Nonsense; Frameshift; Recurrent uniparental isodisomy
- > 46 mutations: All regions of gene
- Founder mutations
- Mexico: c.851+1G>A
- Turkey: c.1502+1G>T
- Few genotype-phenotype corelations
- Variants
- Heterozygotes
- ? Subclinical polyneuropathy on electrophysiology
- Gigaxonin protein
- Subcellular localization: Cytoskeletal
- Binds to Microtubule-associated protein (MAP) 1B light chain
- Associated with microtubules: Stabilizes microtubule network
- Tissue localization: Ubiquitous expression
- Functions
- Ubiquitin ligase adapter protein
- Needed for regulation of intermediate filament turnover
- Loss of function
- Accumulation of intermediate filaments in many cell types
- Disregulated intermediate filaments: Vimentin, Desmin, Cytokeratins,
Glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP), Peripherin, Neurofilaments
- BTB/kelch superfamily
- Intracellular proteins
- Functions
- Coordinate cell morphology & growth: Calicin
- Cytoplasmic sequestration of transcription factors: Keap 1
- BTB domain: Interacts with proteins involved in ubiquitination & protein chaperones
- Kelch domain: Interacts with intermediate filaments targeted for degradation or turnover
- Ubiquitin-proteasome system
- Controls degradation of ubiquitin-mediated microtubule-associated protein 1B (MAP1B)
- Interacts with UBE1
- May function as scaffold protein
- Association with actin & cytoskeleton
- Over-expression: Enhanced degradation of MAP1B-LC
- May contribute to viral pathogenesis
- Kelch disorders, other
- Clinical features
- Onset
- Age: Mean = 2 to 3 years; Most < 10 years
- Gait disorder
- Polyneuropathy
- Distribution: Legs > Arms
- Weakness: Diffuse; Distal > Proximal
- Sensory loss: Especially vibratory & proprioception
- Tendon reflexes: Reduced in Lower limbs or Generally
- Cranial nerves: Facial weakness; Dysarthria
- Onset
- Autonomic
- Respiratory
- Later in disease course
- FVC may be reduced
- Sleep disorders
- Gastrointestinal
- Dysphagia (31%)
- Constipation (45%)
- Lactose intolerance (40%)
- Episodic vomiting
- CNS: Variable
- Ataxia: Clumsy gait; Present in most patients
- Eyes: Optic atrophy; Nystagmus
- Mental retardation
- Corticospinal tract: Spastic paraplegia; Plantar responses extensor
- Hair (100%)
- Frizzy (Tightly curled) scalp hair; Long curly eyelashes
- Changes more common in severe cases
- Skeletal
- Short stature
- Forehead: Prominent, High
- Macrocephaly
- Progression
- Differential diagnosis: GAN2, Dominant
- Laboratory
- CSF: Normal
- Diffuse T2 hyperintensities: Cerebral & cerebellar white matter
- Spinal cord: Atrophy
- Electrophysiology: Axonal, length-dependent neuropathy
- SNAPs: Absent or Reduced amplitude
- CMAPs: Reduced amplitude
- Motor nerve conduction velocity: Normal or Mild reduction
- Pathology
- Axon loss: Distal; Progressive with age; All axon sizes
- Axon swellings
- Frequency: 1% to 5% of axons
- Contain neurofilaments: Densely packed, Swirled
- Begin: At nodes of Ranvier
- Myelin sheaths around swellings: Thin or absent
- Size: Average 20 μM; Up to 50 μM
- Microtubule distribution: Abnormally clustered
- Effects
- Interfere with mitochondrial trafficking: Impair mitochondrial function
- Alter spatial distribution of lysosomes: Autophagic activities compromised
- NF accumulations
- Attract 14-3-3 proteins
- Prevent TFEB
from shuttling to nucleus to perform transcription functions
- Axon atrophy: Distal to swellings
- Microfilament accumulations
- Locations: Schwann cells, Fibroblasts, Vascular endothelium
- GAN Variant: Giant axonal neuropathy, Tunisian form
- Genetics
- Inheritance: Recessive
- GAN mutation: Arg15Ser
- Clinical
- Onset age: Infancy
- Weakness: Distal; Bulbar
- Sensory loss: Legs
- Tendon reflexes: Brisk
- Hair: Normal
- Progression: Slow
- Laboratory: Sensory-Motor polyneuropathy
- GAN Variant: CMT+
- Epidemiology: 20% of GAN
- Genetics
- Inheritance: Recessive
- Mutations: At least 1 missense; P315L
- Clinical
- Onset age: Mean = 5 years
- Polyneuropathy
- Spasticity: Legs > Arms; Hyperreflexia
- Curly hair: Mild
- CNS & Systemic features: Few
- Laboratory
- Brain imaging: Normal or Minimal white matter changes
- Other: Cytoskeletal disorders
HMSN2 with Giant Axons (GAN2)
DDB1- and CUL4-associated factor 8 (DCAF8)

Chromosome 1q23.2; Dominant
- Epidemiology: German family
- Genetics
- DCAF8 protein
- Clinical
- Onset
- Polyneuropathy
- Weakness
- Distal
- Symmetric
- Legs > Arms
- Cramps
- Sensory loss
- Tendon reflexes: Reduced at ankles
- Gait disorder
- Course: Slowly progressive
- Cardiomyopathy: Some patients
- Conduction abnormalities
- Laboratory
- EMG: Denervation
- Chronic: Large motor unit potentials
- Distal
- Legs > Arms
- Velocity: Normal or Mildly slowed
- CMAP amplitudes: Reduced or absent distally
- Nerve pathology
- Axon loss: Large > Small
- Large axons
- Onion bulbs: Occasional; Small
- Differential diagnosis: GAN1, Recessive
Neuroaxonal Dystrophy (Late infantile; NBIA2A)
Phospholipase A2, Group VI (PLA2G6)

; Chromosome 22q13.1; Recessive
- Nosology: Seitelberger’s disease; Neurodegeneration with brain iron accumulation 2A
- Epidemiology: Multiple families
- Genetics
- PLA2G6 mutations: V691del; Tyr790Ter; Lys545Thr; Val310Glu; Arg632Trp (Karak syndrome)
- Allelic disorders
- PLA2 enzymes
- General: Catalyze release of fatty acids from phospholipids
- PLA2G6 activity high in brain
- PLA2G6 mutations: Most probably cause loss of function
- Clinical features: Typical syndrome
- Onset
- 1 to 2 years
- Gait difficulties
- Cognitive
- Mental & Motor milestones: Loss
- Neuropsychiatric: Autistic; Disordered social communication
- Cognitive decline: Progressive
- Seizures
- Tone: Increased
- Extrapyramidal: Dystonia; Rigidity
- Spasticity: Tetraparesis; Some patients
- Gait disorder
- Ataxia
- Deafness
- Neuropathy: Poorly defined by EMG or Pathology
- Limb mutilation
- Hypotonia
- Tendon reflexes: Absent or reduced
- Autonomic
- Loss of tears (keratitis)
- Poor temperature regulation
- Urinary retention
- Myopathy
- No clinical signs
- Serum CK: Mildly elevated in some cases
- Muscle pathology
- Necrosis
- Fiber splitting
- Endomysial macrophage activation
- Axonal swellings in intramuscular nerves & terminals
- Endocrine
- Diabetes insipidus
- Hypothalamic hypothyroid
- Course: Death < 10 years
- Laboratory
- Diagnosis: Swellings may be present on conjuctival, skin or muscle biopsy
- Brain MRI
- Cerebellar atrophy
- Iron accumulation in globus pallidum & substantia nigra
- Pathology
- Spheroids: In CNS & Peripheral nerves
- Contents: Membranes & abnormal mitochondria
- Staining: PAS positive
- Peripheral nerve
- Swellings may be present
- Little axonal loss or Wallerian degeneration
- Ultrastructure: Tubulovesicular profiles; Mitochondrial aggregates
- Iron deposition
- Cerebellar atrophy
- Optic nerve atrophy
- Infantile variant
- Clinical
- Movements: Hyperkinetic; Tonic spasms
- Seizures
- Apneic spells
- Course: Progressive to hypotonia or plateau at 3 years
- Laboratory
- Skin nerves: Thin myelin; Condensed axonal filaments
- Brain: Axon terminal degeneration in cortex, basal ganglia & cerebellum
- Differential Diagnosis: Overlaps clinically with
- Pantothenate kinase-associated neurodegeneration (PKAN; NBIA1)

; Chromosome 20p13-p12.3;
- Later onset
- Extrapyramidal: Dystonia; Chorioathetosis
- Schindler
N-acetyl-α-D-galactosaminidase (NAGA)
; Chromosome 22q11;
- Lysosomal storage disorder presenting as INAD
- Psychomotor retardation
- Myoclonic seizures
- Decorticate posture: Long-tract signs
- Optic atrophy: blindness, marked
- Loss of contact with environment by age 3–4 years
- Also see: NBIA3
(FTL gene
- INAD 2
Neuroaxonal Dystrophy 2
- Epidemiology: Roma family; 3 infants
- Clinical
- Onset age: Birth
- Motor
- Hypotonia: Predominantly axial
- Difficulty swallowing
- Respiratory failure
- Myoclonic seizures
- Dysmorphic features: Micrognathia
- Course: Death in 5th month; Respiratory insufficiency
- Laboratory
- EEG: Focal epileptiform abnormalities
- CNS MRI: Normal
- EMG: Chronic denervation in some
- Muscle: Fiber type grouping
- Pathology
- Brains: Small without malformation
- Axonal spheroids
- Locations: Most prominent in
- Middle cerebellar peduncle
- Anterior thalamic reticular nuclei
- Spinal cord: Anterior horns & columns
- Lower motor neurons
- Size: Especially large
- Proximal, Not in anterior roots or distal motor axons
- Contents
- Neurofilaments
- NCAM: On surface
- Vesicles: At center
- Ubiquitin & Calretinin: Some spheroids; Less in motor neurons
- No synuclein
- PAS: Negative
- Axon Sprouting: From surface of many spheroids
Infantile Neuroaxonal Degeneration with Facial Dysmorphism (INNFD; IHPRF1)
Sodium leak channel, nonselective (NALCN)

Chromosome 13q33.1; Recessive
- Epidemiology
- > 10 families
- Male > Female
- Genetics
- Mutations: Biallelic; Loss-of-function; Truncating; Gln642X, Trp1287Leul 1-BP Del, 1489T
- Allelic disorder
- CLIFAHDD (Dominant): DA2A arthrogryposis
- Pancreatic cancer: Somatic mutations
- NALCN protein
- Expressed in: Brain & Spinal cord
- Channel associated
- Cation leak channel
- Voltage-independent
- Nonselective
- Non-inactivating
- Permeable to Na+, K+, and Ca++
- Responsible for: Neuronal background sodium leak conductance
- NALCN channelosome: Composed of NALCN & 3 auxiliary subunits
- UNC79
- UNC80
- FAM155A (NALF1)
- NALCN modulation: G-protein–coupled receptors
- Positive: Src family kinase–dependent pathways
- Negative: G-protein–dependent pathways
- Clinical
- Onset age: Infancy or Prenatal
- Prenatal
- Intrauterine growth restriction
- Oligohydramnios
- Psychomotor regression, severe
- Retardation: No eye contact, speech or cognitive development
- Spastic tetraparaplegia
- Truncal hypotonia
- Rspiratory: Central sleep apnea (65%)
- Seizures (71%)
- Dyskinetic movements
- Strabismus
- Skeletal
- Contractures
- Microcephaly
- Facial dysmorphism: Prominent forehead; Micrognathia; Large, low-set ears
- Course
- Failure to thrive (88%)
- Some alive at 2 decades
- Laboratory
- Sural nerve: Infantile neuroaxonal dystrophy
- Unmyelinated axons
- Spheroids
- Edema: Endoneurial & Perineurial; Generalized
- Brain MRI: Cerebellar atrophy
- NCV: Lower limit of normal
- EMG: Normal
- NALCN variant syndrome: Congenital contractures of limbs & face, Hypotonia & Global developmental delay (CLIFAHDD)
- Nosology: DA2A arthrogryposis syndrome
- Epidemiology: > 30 patients
- Genetics
- Mutations
- Missense (97%)
- Location: In or near S5 & S6 pore-forming segments of NALCN
- Gain-of-function
- Premature death, Epilepsy, Paroxysmal dystonia, Worse prognosis: Variants in NALCN pore domains (DII-S6 region)
- Inheritance: Dominant
- Allelic disorders
- Clinical
- Onset: Congenital
- Prenatal
- Eyes
- Downslanting palpebral fissures
- Strabismus
- Esotropia
- Face
- Broad nasal bridge
- Anteverted nasal tip
- Large nares
- Short columella
- Long philtrum
- Micrognathia
- Pursed lips
- H-shaped dimpled chin
- Deep nasolabial folds
- Full cheeks
- Limb contractures: Distal arthrogryposis (77%)
- Camptodactyly
- Ulnar deviation
- Adducted thumbs
- Clubfoot
- Calcaneovalgus deformity
- Other contractures: Hip; Elbow; Knee
- Other skeletal: Scoliosis; Neck short
- Cognitive & Speech delay
- Ataxia, Episodic (41%)
- Precipitants = Physical activity, Heat, Excitement
- Onset age: 1st decade; Mean = 6.5 years
- Acetazolamide responsive
- Associated with: Motor skill decline
- Mutations: Ile322Thr, Arg1181Gln, Ala1185Thr; DIII-DIV linker
- Dystonia, paroxysmal (12%)
- Respiratory: Insufficiency; Periodic pattern with apnea
- Hypotonia
- Seizures: 1 patient
- Course
- Progressive
- Death in childhood in some
- Laboratory
- Brain MRI: Cerebral or Cerebellar atrophy; May be normal
- EMG: Normal
Neurodevelopmental Disorder with Movement Abnormalities, Abnormal gait & Autistic features (NEDMAGA)
Zinc finger swim domain-containing protein 6 (ZSWIM6)

Chromosome 5q12.1; Dominant or Sporadic
- Epidemiology: 7 patients
- Genetics
- Mutation: de novo; Heterozygous; c.C2737T (R913X)
- Allelic disorder: Acromelic frontonasal dysostosis
- ZSWIM6 protein
- Clinical
- Onset age: Infancy
- Developmental delay: Global; Severe; Absent speech; autism
- Walking: Delayed; Broad based
- Seizures (50%): Mild, some patients
- Spasticity (50%)
- Movements: Tongue; Hands
- Peripheral neuropathy
- High pain threshold
- Weakness (1 patient): Distal; Legs
- Face: Dysmorphic features
- Laboratory
- Brain MRI: Normal or Mild cortical atrophy
- Nerve pathology: Axon loss; Neurofilament accumulation
Neurodevelopmental Disorder with Central & Peripheral Motor Dysfunction (NEDCPMD)
Neurofascin (NFASC)

Chromosome 1q32.1; Recessive
- Epidemiology: 9 families, 15 patients
- Genetics
- Mutations
- Stop or Missense: N124D; Arg370Pro, P705T; S831P; Arg846X, V1077A (Nf186); Val1122Glu
- Homozygous
- NFASC protein
- Clinical
- Onset
- Age: 0 to Infancy
- Prenatal: Reduced movements (Some patients)
- Developmental delay
- Behavioral: Aggression; Anxiety
- Polyneuropathy, Demyelinating
- Motor
- Hypotonia
- Respiratory distress
- Amyotrophy
- Dysmorphic features
- Hypertelorism
- Nasal bridge: High & Wide
- Mouth: Cleft palate; Glossoptosis
- Skeletal
- Fingers: Long, Thin & Hyperextensible
- 11 ribs
- Contractures
- Later features
- Ataxia
- Eyes: Saccadic pursuit
- Limbs: Dysmetria
- Spasticity
- Myoclonus
- Laboratory
- Brain MRI: Cerebellar atrophy; Some WM changes
- Central conduction velocities: Slow (SSEP)
- NCV: Length-dependent demyelination; Velocities reduced or normal
- EMG: Chronic denervation
- Muscle: Normal
Intellectual Developmental Disorder + Speech delay & Axonal Peripheral Neuropathy (IDDSAPN)
Nuclear Export Mediator Factor (NEMF)

Chromosome 14q21.3; Recessive
- Epidemiology: 11 families, 21 patients
- Genetics
- Mutations: Nonsense; Frameshift; Missense
- NEMF protein
- Location: Ribosome
- Resolves stalled ribosomes during translation
- Facilitates recruitment of LTN1 E3 ligase
: Leads to proteasomal degradation
- Clinical
- Onset age: < 2 years
- Developmental delay
- Hypotonia
- Intellectual
- Autism
- Speech: Delay; Dysarthria
- Polyneuropathy
- Weakness: Distal; Arms & Legs
- Walking: Delayed
- Tendon reflexes: Reduced
- Gait: Ataxic; Difficulty running
- Skeletal
- Scoliosis
- Equinovarus
- Hands: Deformities; Polydactyly
- Course: Progressive
- Laboratory
- Brain MRI: Normal or Atrophy
- NCV: Axon loss
Congenital Hypomyelinating Neuropathies (CHN)
Congenital Hypomyelinating Neuropathy 2 (CHN2)
P0 protein (MPZ)

Chromosome 1q23.3; Recessive or Dominant
- Genetics
- Mutations: Asp61Asn, Arg98Cys, Ser111Phe, Gly123_Cys127del, Thr124Lys,
Asn131Ser, Gly167Arg, Leu184fs, Gln186X, Gln215X
- Allelic disorders
- Clinical
- Onset
- Weakness: Severe generalized; Face
- Muscle bulk: Wasting or Normal
- Tendon reflexes: Absent
- Sensory loss: Variable
- Joints: Arthrogryposis or Hyperextension
- Course
- Severe cases: Death before 3 months
- Milder cases: Static weakness; Increased disability with growth
- Laboratory
- Electrodiagnostic
- Demyelinating: NCV Very slow; Distal latencies long; Temporal dispersion; No conduction block
- SNAPs: Absent
- Similar to HMSN III
- Pathology
- Myelin sheaths: Thin, Absent or Abnormally folded
- Axon loss: Large > Small
- Onion bulbs: Occasional small
- Muscle: Type 1 atrophy; No fiber type grouping
- MRI: Normal nerve size
- CSF protein: Mildly high
Congenital hypomyelinating neuropathy 1 (CHN1; CMT4E)
Early growth response-2 (EGR2; KROX20)

Chromosome 10q21.3; Dominant or Recessive
- Genetics
- Mutations
- Ile268Asn (Homozygous); Ser382 Arg & Asp383Tyr (Heterozygous)
- Recessive mutations
- Allelic disorcders
- Also defective in: Krox20 knockout mice;
CMT1; Dejerine-Sottas
- Protein: Zinc finger
- Clinical
- Onset
- Infantile hypotonia
- Arthrogryposis
- Weakness: Diffuse; Distal > Proximal; Ambulation ± walker
- Wasting: Diffuse
- Nerve conduction velocities: 3 to 8 M/s
- Nerve pathology
- Myelin: Absent or greatly reduced on most axons
- Onion bulbs: Occasional
- Axonal loss: Mild to moderate
- EGR2 Variant: Congenital Amyelinating Neuropathy, Recessive (CHN1)
- Epidemiology: Female Moroccan infant
- Genetics
- Mutation: 10 kB deletion involving myelin-specific enhancer
- Inheritance: Recessive
- Clinical
- Oligohydramnios
- Birth: Hypotonia; Respiratory failure; Reduced movements; Arthrogryposis
- Death: 7.5 months
- Nerve pathology
- Complete absence of PNS myelin
- Large axons: Ensheathed in Schwann cells
- EGR2 staining: Absent
- Parents: Normal
Congenital hypomyelinating neuropathy, Asymptomatic
Rho Guanine-Nucleotide Exchange Factor 10 (ARHGEF10)

Chromosome 8p23.3; Dominant
- Epidemiology: Single family
- Genetics
- Mutation: Missense; Thr109Ile
- Allelic with
- ARHGEF10 protein
- Rho family of GTPase proteins (RhoGTPases)
- Regulate actin cytoskeleton
- Influence cell development
- Polarity; Microtubule dynamics; Membrane-transport pathways; Transcription-factor activity
- Play role in neuronal morphogenesis
- Cell migration; Axonal growth & guidance; Dendrite elaboration & plasticity; Synapse formation
- Guanine-nucleotide exchange factor (GEF): Other disorders
- Clinical
- Most patients asymptomatic
- Examination: Often normal: Normal tendon reflexes & muscle bulk
- Occasional patients with Raynaud's phenomenon
- Electrodiagnostic testing
- Nerve conduction velocities: Uniform slowing; Arms 33 to 42 m/s; Legs 27 to 36 m/s
- CMAPs: Normal amplitude
- SNAPs: Normal or mildly reduced amplitude
- Similar values at all ages: ? Non-progressive
- Pathology
- Nerve: Hypomyelination
- Reduced number of myelinated axons: 50% of normal
- Size of remaining myelinated axons: 2 to 6 μm
- Axonal sheath: Thin for axon diameter
- Onion bulbs: Rare
- Regenerating clusters: Rare
- Tomaculae: none
- Muscle: Mild denervation changes
Hereditary relapsing thermosensitive neuropathy
Autosomal Dominant
- Epidemiology: 1 French family
- Clinical
- Onset age: 6 to 43 years (Usually < 15)
- Relapsing
- Precipitated by fever > 38 °C
- 2 to 5 attacks
- Exam normal between attacks
- ? Duration of symptoms correlated with duration of fever
- Weakness: Paraparesis or quadriparesis
- Sensory: Paresthesias & numbness
- Occasional: Dysphagia; Dysuria
- Electrophysiology: Demyelinating
- Conduction block
- Prolonged distal latencies
Lethal Neonatal Sensory-Motor Polyneuropathy
Autosomal Recessive
- Epidemiology: 1 Mississippi family
- Clinical
- Onset: Prenatal with reduced fetal movements
- Hypotonia
- Weakness
- Distal > Proximal
- Symmetric
- Diaphragm: Onset birth to 6 months
- Sensory: Pain reduced in some patients
- Contractures (75%)
- CNS: ? Changes related to hypoxia
- Prognosis
- Increasing disability
- Late static phase with no recovery
- Death < 8 months 2° Respiratory failure
- Laboratory
- Electrophysiology
- NCV: Reduced or absent CMAPs & SNAPs
- EMG: Denervation
- Brainstem evoked potentials: Reduced wave 5 suggesting sensorineural hearing loss
- Nerve Pathology
- Loss of sensory & motor, large & medium sized, myelinated axons
- Muscle pathology: Grouped atrophy; Many small fibers
- Rule out
Infantile Axonal Polyneuropathy with Respiratory Failure
Recessive; Sporadic
- Epidemiology
- Clinical
- Onset
- Age: < 6 months; Usually < 2 to 3 months
- Hypotonia
- Apneic spells
- Weakness
- Distal > Proximal
- Symmetric
- Cranial nerves
- Feeding difficulties
- Facial weakness
- EOM: Nystagmoid eye movements
- Sensory: Pain sense preserved
- Autonomic dysfunction: Some patients
- Tachycardia
- Hyperhidrosis
- Hyperthermia
- Hypertension
- Tendon reflexes: Reduced or Absent
- Prognosis
- Increasing disability: Quadriplegia & Respiratory failure
- Death < 6 months 2° Respiratory failure
- Laboratory
- Electrophysiology
- NCV: Reduced or absent CMAPs & SNAPs
- EMG: Denervation
- Fibrillations
- Some enlarged motor units firing at rapid rates
- Brainsten evoked potentials: Reduced wave 5 suggesting sensorineural hearing loss
- CSF: Normal
- Nerve Pathology
- Loss of sensory & motor, large & medium sized, myelinated axons
- Normal myelination on remaining axons
- Ultrastructure: Büngner bands; Normal unmyelinated axons
- Muscle pathology
- Grouped atrophy: Small fibers angular
- Larger muscle fibers: Hypertrophy; Type 1 predominance in some
- Spinal cord: Mild loss of anterior horn cells
- Differential diagnosis: SMARD
Congenital Cataracts, Facial Dysmorphism & Neuropathy Syndrome (CCFDN)
C-terminal domain of RNA polymerase II subunit A, phosphatase of, subunit 1 (CTDP1)

; Chromosome 18q23; Recessive
- Epidemiology: Wallachian Gypsies (Vlax Roma; Rudari); Bulgaria
- Genetics: Transcription syndrome
- Mutation: Single nucleotide substitution in antisense Alu element in intron 6
- Produces: Aberrant splicing; Alu insertion in processed mRNA
- Carrier rate in Rudari gypsies: 6.9%
- No mutations in Marinesco-Sjögren patients
- FCP1 Protein
- TFIIF-associating CTD phosphatase-1
- Dephosphorylates C-terminal domain of largest RNA polymerase II subunit
- Substrates are phopsphorylated serine residues
- Regulates recruitment of proteins involved in transcription & mRNA processing machinery
- Other functions
- Involved in transcription regulation: Part of elongation complex
- Opposes Srb 10 mediated repression of cell-cycle & growth control genes
- Clinical
- Skeletal
- Short stature: 100%
- Facial dysmorphism: 80%; Prominent midface; Thickened perioral tissues; Hypognathism
- Kyphoscoliosis
- Foot: Pes cavus; Pes equinovarus
- Claw hand
- Eye
- Congenital zonular cataracts: 100%
- Microcornea
- Pendular nystagmus
- Strabismus: 100%
- Neuropathy
- Motor: Predominant
- Initially lower extremities: By 8 months
- Upper extremity weakness in childhood
- Severe disability by 3rd decade
- Sensory: Distal; Loss of all modalities
- Tendon reflexes: Reduced or absent, especially in lower extremities
- Nerve conduction velocities: Demyelinating
- NCV: 20 to 34 M/sec
- Distal latencies: Prolonged
- Nerve biopsy
- Hypomyelinated axons
- Axonal degeneration & regeneration in older patients
- Rhabdomyolysis: After viral infections
- Upper motor neuron
- Intellectual Retardation: Mild
- Extensor plantar response: 40%
- No spasticity
- Choreiform movements: 36%; Face & Upper extremities
- Ataxia: Mild; 22%
- Tremor: 10%
- EEG: Slowing
- Cerebral atrophy (30%)
- Ventricles: Enlarged
- Spinal cord: Atrophy (25%)
- White matter lesions: Periventricular; Progressive focal supratentorial
- Endocrine: Mild hypogonadism
- General anesthesia complications
- Pulmonary edema
- Epileptic seizures
- Differences from Marinesco-Sjögren
- Present in CCFDN: Peripheral neuropathy; Facial dysmorphism; Microcornea; Linkage to 18qter
- Less in CCFDN: Mental retardation severity; Cerebellar atrophy; Chronic myopathy
Navajo Neurohepatopathy
Glomerulosclerosis gene MPV17 (MPV17)

Chromosome 2p23.3; Recessive
- Epidemiology
- Navajo: Up to 1 case/1,600 live births
- Especially Western reservation
- Genetics
- MPV17 protein: Mitochondrial
- Clinical
- Onset: 1 year
- Polyneuropathy
- Sensory loss: Distal; PanModal; Acromutilation
- Weakness: Distal > Proximal; Progressive; Delayed walking
- Tendon reflexes: Reduced
- Nerve pathology: Severe loss of large & small myelinated axons
- CNS: Progressive white matter lesions on MRI
- Systemic
- Skeletal: Contractures; Short stature; Scoliosis
- Hepatic
- Clinical
- Hepatomegaly
- Reyes-like episodes (70%)
- Pathology
- Macronodular cirrhosis
- Cytochrome oxidase negative hepatocytes
- Ocular: Corneal ulceration
- Systemic infections (80%)
- Sexual infantilism
- Poor weight gain
- Prognosis: Death by Teens in 40%
- Laboratory
- Serum lactate: High
- Mitochondrial DNA depletion
Navajo Sensory-Autonomic Neuropathy + Arthropathy (MTDPS6)

Glomerulosclerosis gene MPV17 (MPV17)
Chromosome 2p23.3; Recessive
- Epidemiology
- > 100 patients
- Navajo: 8 children in 3 families
- Korea: 2 families
- China
- Genetics
- Clinical
- Polyneuropathy
- Onset age: Neonatal to 2nd decade
- Motor
- Usual: Normal or Distal weakness & atrophy
- Variant: Acute, Child onset
- Proximal weakness
- Demyelinating neuropathy
- Sensory loss
- Deep Pain & Temperature sensation: Mild loss
- Cornea: Insensitivity
- Some patients with normal exam
- Autonomic
- Infantile fever (Recurrent)
- Heat intolerance
- Sweating: reduced
- Tendon reflexes: Present or Reduced
- Laboratory
- Electrodiagnostic
- Normal or CMAPS & SNAPs reduced amplitude or absent
- Nerve pathology
- Axon loss: Large + Small myelinated & Unmyelinated
- Muscle: Fibers with abnormal mitochondria
- Systemic
- Liver disease
- Chronic or Acute onset
- Hepatomegaly
- Progressive
- Skeletal
- Early: Joint deformities
- Painless fractures
- Arthropathy: Progressive
- Skin: Thick on hands
- Progression: Liver, Joint & Bone disorders
- Laboratory
- Serum lactate: May be high
- Hyperammonemia
- Anemia
- Bilirubin & AAT: High
Navajo Neuropathy + Arthropathy |

From: Otto Appenzeller
Hypomyelination in CNS & PNS; Hypopigmentation & Enteric aganglionosis (PCWH)

Chromosome 22q13.1; Dominant or Sporadic
- Nosology: Waardenburg-Shah, Neurologic variant (WS4)
- SOX10 gene
- Mutations
- Specific mutations: 12 base pair deletion in exon 5; Q250Stop; 759delG; SOX10 deletions
- Produces intact protein with extended tail added to transactivation domain in C-terminus
- Disease Mechanisms
- Severe disorders: ? Mutated protein acts as dominant negative
- Haploinsufficiency: Milder phenotype disorders
- Allelic disorders
- Null mutations
- SPG + Hypomyelinating neuropathy & Deafness
- Dominant megacolon syndrome
- Waardenburg syndrome, type 2E ± Neurologic involvement
- Waardenburg-Shah syndrome (WS4C)
- Clinical: Intestinal aganglionosis; Pigmentation defects; Deafness, sensorineural
- Also due to mutations of:
EDNRB (Endothelin B receptor)
Endothelin-3 (EDN3)
- Peripheral demyelinating neuropathy, central dysmyelination, Waardenburg syndrome, Hirschsprung disease (PCWH)
- Loss of function, Missense mutations
- Kallmann Syndrome (Anosmia & Hypogonadotropic hypogonadism) with Deafness
- Other
- Hearing loss
- Anosmia
- Neurodevelopment disorders
- Cancer progression
- Chemotherapy-induced neuropathy symptoms: SNP rs139887
- Dom mouse (Dominant megacolon; intestinal aganglionosis, white belly spot & white paws)
- SOX10 protein
- Marker for
- Migratory multipotent Neural Crest progenitors
- Neural Crest derivatives
- Myelin-specific
transcription factor
- In Schwann cells & Oligodendroglia
- Required for Schwann cell development & Myelination
- Modulates other myelin-related transcription factors & proteins
- Promotes expression of OCT6 (POU3F1)
- Triggers events enabling myelin gene transcription
- P0 protein
- Connexin-32: Activates expression by binding to promoter; Synergy with EGR2
- Other: ERBB3; PLP; MBP; SIPA1L2
- Plays role in neural crest development: Enteric ganglion cells & Melanocytes
- Clinical
- Waardenburg syndrome: General features
- Deafness: Sensorineural
- Pigmentation disorders: Skin, Hair, Iris
- Subtypes
- Onset
- Clinical
- Developmental delay: Severe
- Spastic paraplegia or quadriplegia
- Seizures
- Deafness: Sensorineural
- Semicircular canals: Agenesis or hypoplasia of one or more
- White matter: Absent myelination; Hyperintensity on T2
- Olfactory bulbs: Agenesis (88%)
- Lacrimal glands: Hypoplastic (79%)
- Parotid glands: Hypoplastic (86%)
- CSF: Protein mildly increased
- Pathology: Absent central myelin
- Muscle atrophy
- ? Sensory loss
- Tendon reflexes: Reduced
- Electrophysiology: Demyelinating neuropathy
- NCV: Slowing, Uniform
- F-waves: Preserved; Long latency
- CMAPs: Amplitude small
- Stimulation threshold: High
- Pathology: Nerve
- Large axons
- Absent or reduced myelin
- Number: Normal or Reduced
- Occasional excessively large axon
- Small axons: Reduced number
- Schwann cells: Present; Aligned with axons in 1 to 1 relationship
- Endoneurial fibroblasts: Small vacuoles
- Ocular
- Nystagmus
- Optic Atrophy
- Dystopia canthorum
- GI
- Depigmentation
- Skin
- Heterochromia iridis
- Fundus: Depigmentation, patchy
- Course
- ? Non-progressive
- Death at 3 months in 1 patient
- SOX10 variant: SPG + Hypomyelinating neuropathy & Hearing loss
- Epidemiology: 1 family, 2 patients
- Genetics
- Inheritance: Dominant
- Mutation: c.1140C.A (p.Y380X)
- Parental mosaicism
- Clinical
- Onset: Reduced fetal movements
- Motor: Developmental delay
- Spastic paraparesis
- Legs > Arms
- Loss of ambulation
- Course: Slow progression
- Tendon reflexes: Increased at knees; Reduced at ankles
- Hearing loss
- Neuropathy: Hypomyelinating
- Sensory loss: Vibration & Pain
- Weakness: Distal legs
- Cerebellar
- Dysmetria: Arms
- Nystagmus
- GI: Constipation, mild
- Cutaneous hypopigmentation
- Face: High arched palate; Small mouth; Thin, upturned nostrils
- Eye: Macular pigment changes
- Laboratory
- Brain MRI: Absent semicircular canals
- Velocities: Slowing, diffuse & symmetric (11 to 20 m/s)
- SNAPs: Reduced amplitude or Absent
- Nerve biopsy: Thin myelination; Axon loss
Tyrosinemia 1 (TYRSN1)
Fumarylacetoacete Hydrolase (FAH)

Chromosome 15q25.1; Recessive
- Epidemiology
- > 100 patients
- 1 in 100,000 births
- Unusual: Central America; Oceania
- Genetics
- Mutations: Missense; Splice & Stop; > 40
- Geography: Mutations often common in specific regions
- Turkey: D233V
- Finland: W262X
- Asia: Gly64His
- Saudi Arabia: Met1Val
- Europeans & Caucasians: c.974C>T
- Fumarylacetoacetase protein
- Tyrosine metabolism: Final step
- Catalyzes hydrolysis of fumarylacetoacetate into fumarate & acetoacetate
- Expression: Liver; Kidney
- Mutated proteins: Reduced protein stability, Misfolding, Accelerated degradation (UPS)
- Clinical
- Onset: Neonatal to Infant
- Peripheral neuropathy: Attacks
- Clinical: Porphyria-like
- Onset
- Children: Mean 1 year
- Adults: After discontinuation of, or intermittent, NTBC treatment
- Multiple attacks
- Pain: Severe; Abdomen, Extremities
- Muscle weakness
- May be severe
- Respiratory failure
- Autonomic
- Blood presure fluctuations: Hypertension
- GI: Vomiting; Ileus
- CNS: Seizures; Confusion
- Fever
- Prognosis
- Treatment: Full recovery
- Mortality: High
- Treatment
- 2-(2-nitro-4-trifluoro-methylbenzyol)-1,3 cyclohexanedione
- Inhibitor of 4-hydroxy-phenylpyruvate dioxygenase
- Diet
- Protein restriction
- Tyrosine- & Phenylalanine-free protein substitutes
- Glucose: IV
- Liver transplantation
- Laboratory
- Nerve conduction studies: Axon loss
- Nerve Pathology: Axon degeneration, Acute
- Hyponatremia
- Succinylacetone: Increased blood spot
- NTBC level: Below therapeutic range
- Myopathy: 2° Carnitine deficiency
- Epidemiology: Case report
- Clinical
- Onset: 2 years; Gait disorder
- Weakness: Proximal; Hypotonia
- Treatment: Carnitine, dietary supplementation
- Laboratory
- Plasma carnitine: Low
- Hypophosphatemia
- Systemic features
- Hepatic failure
- Renal: Fanconi syndrome
- Cardiomyopathy: Mild
- Natural history
- With treatment: Survival to adulthood
- No treatment: Death < 3 years
- Laboratory
- Toxic metabolite accumulation
- Succinylacetone, Maleylacetoacetate, Fumarylacetoacetate
- Succinylacetone: Competitive inhibitor of δ-aminolevulinic acid (ALA)
Lysosomal trafficking regulator (LYST; CHS1)

Chromosome 1q42.3; Recessive
- Genetics
- LYST (CHS1) protein
- Functions
- Interacts with N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor (NSF) attachment protein receptors (SNAREs)
- Role in membrane fusion or fission
- May regulate lysosome trafficking
- Subcellular location: ? Cytoplasmic
- Tissue specificity: Thymus; Peripheral blood leukocytes; Bone marrow; Brain
- Clinical
- Polyneuropathy
- Clinical
- Weakness: Distal > Proximal; Feet & Hands
- Sensory loss: Distal
- Tendon reflexes: Reduced
- EMG: Distal denervation
- Pathology: Axonal loss
- Relative sparing of smaller myelinated axons
- Loss of unmyelinated axons: Moderate
- Axon regenration
- Inflammation: Perivascular; Occasional
- Schwann cells: Giant lysosomal inclusions & Lipofuscin
- Rule out: Neoplastic infiltrative neuropathy
- Treatment: Transient improvement with corticosteroids
- Motor neuropathy
- Epidemiology: 2 patients in 1 family
- Mutations: Y3163C; S3475F
- Onset age: Childhood to 4th decade
- Weakness: Legs; Symmetric; Proximal & Distal
- Tendon reflexes: Reduced
- Sensation: Normal
- Mental retardation
- Spinocerebellar degeneration
- Adult onset: Parkinsonism; Dementia
- Pigmentation defective (Partial oculocutaneous albinism)
- Skin: Giant melanosomes; Hypopigmentation
- Ocular: Nystagmus; Photophobia
- Systemic
- Organomegaly: Liver; Spleen; Lymph nodes
- Hematologic
- Anemia; Pancytopenia
- Hemorrhage: Platelets lack dense granules; Function is abnormal
- Reduced natural killer cell & cytotoxic T lymphocyte function
- Abnormal fusion of lysosomes
- Defective granule killing
- Bone marrow
- Eosinophilic, peroxidase-positive inclusion bodies in myeloblasts & promyelocytes
- External link: New Mexico
- Lymphoreticular (Lymphohistiocytic) malignancy (90%)
- Susceptibility to infection
- Heterozygotes: Granular anomaly of lymphocytes
- Course
- Death: Often < 7 years
- If malignancy is absent
- Longer survival
- Progressive neurologic disorder
- Pathology: Giant lysosomal inclusions in CNS, Schwann cells & Leukocytes
- Animal model: Beige mouse
- Variant syndrome: Hereditary Spastic Paraparesis, Complicated
- Epidemiology: 6 Japanese families
- Genetics
- Inheritance: Recessive
- Mutations: Misense (Leu58Val; Phe1397Val); Stop & Splice
- Allelic with: Chediak-Higashi
- LYST protein
- Clinical
- Onset age: 2nd to 6th decade
- Spastic paraparesis: Gait disorder
- Cerebellar ataxia: Arms
- Peripheral neuropathy: Motor & Sensory axon loss
- Tendon reflexes: Increased except at ankles
- IQ: Low
- Laboratory
- MRI: Cerebellar & Thoracic spinal cord atrophy
- NCV: Velocities mildly reduced in legs; SNAP & CMAP amplitudes low
- SNAPS: Absent or Reduced amplitude
- Motor-evoked potentials: Central delay
- Granulocytes: Peroxidase stained giant granules
- Nerve biopsy: Myelinated axon loss; Axon swelling
Cerebral Dysgenesis, Neuropathy, Ichthyosis, and Palmoplantar Keratoderma (CEDNIK)

Chromosome 22q11.21; Recessive
- Epidemiology: > 10 families
- Genetics
- Mutations
- Loss of function
- Truncating; Small & large deletions; Small duplications
- Associated with: 22q11.2 Deletion syndrome
with mutation on other chromosome
- SNAP29 protein
- Modulator of vesicle trafficking
- Binds to syntaxin fusion proteins
- Disease: Levels reduced in tissues
- Other mutations in vesicle recycling genes
- Clinical
- Onset
- Age: < 4 months
- Roving eye movements
- Poor head & trunk control
- Failure to thrive
- Motor
- Hypotonia
- Delayed development
- Late sitting & walking
- Polyneuropathy
- Clinical: Not well described
- Tendon reflexes: Absent
- Electrophysiology: Axon loss
- Muscle biopsy: Denervation; Normal mitochondrial oxidative enzymes
- Microcephaly: Progressive
- Corpus callosum: Dysgenesis
- Psychomotor retardation: Severe
- Spasticity
- Seizures
- Face: Dysmorphism
- Elongated faces
- Antimongolian eye slant
- Hypertelorism: Mild
- Flat broad nasal root
- Skin
- Onset: Between 5 & 11 months
- Palmoplantar keratoderma
- Ichthyosis
- Hypopigmentation
- Progressive during 2nd year of life
- Eye
- Optic disk: Hypoplastic
- Strabismus
- Electrophysiology: Reduced conductance from peripheral retina & macular atrophy
- Skeletal
- Dislocated hips
- Contractures: Legs
- Short stature
- Ear: Sensorineural deafness, mild
- Course: Death in 40% due to pneumonia at ages 5 to 12 years
- Laboratory
- Brain MRI
- White matter
- Corpus callosum Δ
- Hypomyelination
- Optic nerve atrophy
- Cortical dysplasia: Pachygyria & Polymicrogyria
- Skin
- Ultrastructure: Clear vesicles in spinous & granular epidermal layers
- Glucosylceramides: Retained, abnormally,in lower stratum corneum cells
Hypomyelination and Congenital cataract (HCC; HLD5)
Hyccin (DRCTNNB1A; FAM126A)

; Chromosome 7p15.3; Recessive
- Nosology: Leukodystrophy, Hypomyelinating 5 (HLD5)
- Epidemiology: 6 families
- Genetics
- Mutations
- Type: Stop, Splice site & Missense
- All homozygous
- Missense mutations
- Milder phenotype
- May have no peripheral neuropathy
- Hyccin protein
- Ubiquitously expressed in brain
- Cell localization: Plasma membrane, patchy
- Mutation effects
- Absent or reduced levels of Hyccin protein
- Mildest patient, without neuropathy, had residual protein
- Onset
- Age: birth or in 1st 2 months of life
- Cataract
- Clinical
- Psychomotor
- Birth: Normal
- 1 year: Delayed
- Walking only with support
- Onset: 1 to 2 years
- Loss: 8 to 9 years
- Mental deficiency: Mild to Moderate
- Other CNS
- Pyramidal: Progressive
- Cerebellar: Progressive
- Seizures (30%)
- Muscle
- Weakness: Legs > Arms
- Wasting
- Eye: Cataracts (100%)
- Congenital
- Bilateral
- Surgery often performed
- Scoliosis (40%)
- Survival
- Most at least to 3rd decade
- 1 death in 1st decade
- Laboratory
- Brain MRI: Diffuse cerebral hypomyelination
- Electrophysiology: Polyneuropathy (90%)
- Motor nerve conduction velocity: Slightly to markedly slowed depending on the age
- CMAP amplitude: Reduced
- Sural nerve biopsy
- Deficiency of myelin sheath in several nerve fibers
- Axonal loss: Mild
- No active axonal degeneration
Myoclonus Epilepsy & Demyelinating Polyneuropathy (EPM4)
Scavenger receptor class B, Member 2 (SCARB2; LIMP2)

; Chromosome 4q21.1; Recessive
- Nosology: Action myoclonus-Renal failure (AMRF)
- Epidemiology: EPM4 in multiple populations
- Genetics
- Mutations: Nonsense (Q288X; French Canadian), c.435_436insAG & Splice site (c11187.3insT)
- SCARB2 protein
- Lysosomal membrane
- Functions
- Endosomal/lysosomal mediated protein degradation and recycling
- Lysosomes: Cholesterol export
- Onset age: Teens
- Action myoclonus: Aggravated by action, tactile stimuli & startle
- Dysarthria
- Dysphagia
- Seizures: Generalized; Myoclonic-tonic-clonic
- Ataxia: Limb
- Intellect: Normal or Dementia
- Tendon reflexes: Present
- Hearing loss: BAER reduced
- Course: Rapid progression of renal failure
- Nerve conduction studies: Demyelinating polyneuropathy in 4 patients
- CMAP & SNAP amplitudes: Reduced
- F-wave latencies: Prolonged
- Conduction velocities: 30 to 40 M/s
- Renal failure: Proteinuria
- EPM4 Brain pathology: Autofluorescent pigment
Hemolytic Anemia & Demyelinating Polyneuropathy
CD59 antigen (Protectin)

; Chromosome 11p13; Recessive
- Epidemiology: 5 North African (Libyan & Moroccan) Jewish patients
- Genetics
- CD59 mutation: Cys89Tyr, Homozygous
- Allelic with
- CD59 protein
- Inhibits final step of membrane attack complex (MAC) formation
- Protects cells from complement mediated lysis
- CD59 deficiency: Common in adults with Paroyysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria 1

- Dermatomyositis, Juvenile
- Clinical
- Onset age: 3 to 7 months
- Polyneuropathy
- Relapsing-remitting
- Exacerbated by: Infection; Febrile episodes
- Hypotonia
- Weakness: Limbs
- Legs > Arms
- Distal > Proximal
- Symmetric
- Tendon reflexes: Reduced
- Immunosuppression treatment
- Eculizumab
- IVIg
- Reduced relapse length & severity
- Improved arm strength
- Hemolytic anemia, Chronic
- Laboratory
- Red blood cells: Reduced CD59, especially on surface membrane
- Sural nerve
- Vessel endothelium: Loss of CD59 expression
- Axon loss
- Myelin sheath: Thin
- NCV: Demyelination; Axon loss
- CSF protein: High
- CD59 variant disorder: Early-onset chronic axonal neuropathy, Strokes & Hemolysis
- Epidemiology: Turkish family, 3 patients
- CD59 mutation: c.A146T (p.Asp49Val); Homozygous
- Clinical
- Onset age: < 1 year
- Polyneuropathy
- Axon loss
- Onset: Acute
- Course: Relapsing
- Treatment: Immunomodulation
- Strokes
- Anterior & Posterior circulation
- Cerebral venous thrombosis
- Laboratory
- CD59: Reduced expression on blood cells
- NCV: Axon loss, Motor & Sensory
- Hemolysis: Chronic & Recurrent; Coombs negative
- Indirect hyperbilirubinemia: Neonatal
Congenital Disorder of Deglycosylation (CDDG)
N-Glycanase 1 (NGLY1)

; Chromosome 3p24.2; Recessive
- Nosology
- Epidemiology: 17 families; 43 patients
- Genetics
- Mutations: Cys283Trp; Glu356Gly; Arg401Ter; Arg524Ter; Small deletions & duplications
- NGLY1 protein
- Cytosolic enzyme
- Cleaves intact glycan from N-linked glycoproteins
- Proteasome
- Deglycosylation of cytoplasmic proteins
- Degrades aberrant glycoproteins synthesized in ER & translocated to cytoplasm
- Endoplasmic reticulum–associated degradation (ERAD) pathway
- Mitochondrial homeostasis
- Mutations: Accumulation of misfolded proteins in cytosol
- Clinical
- Onset age: Early childhood or Infancy
- Intrauterine growth retardation (50%)
- Hypotonia: Central
- Development delay (Severe): Cognitive; Motor; Speech
- Movements: Chorea & Athetosis; Lip smacking; Tremulousness
- Epilepsy: Intractable; Multifocal; Myoclonic; Drop attacks; Staring or tonic episodes
- Ocular apraxia (20%)
- Microcephaly
- Autonomic
- Peripheral neuropathy
- Sensory loss: Especially pain
- Tendon reflexes: Reduced
- Skeletal: Hands & Feet small; Microcephaly; Scoliosis
- Eyes: Corneal scarring & opacities; Strabismus
- Course: Slow progression
- Laboratory
- Liver
- Transaminases: High
- Vacuolar amorphous cytoplasmic storage material
- EEG: Often abnormal
- Electrodiagnostic studies
- NCV: 20 to 30 M/s; Axon loss, Sensory > Motor
- EMG: Denervation, Legs > Arms
- Nerve pathology
- Axon loss
- Large & Small myelinated
- Unmyelinated axons: Spared
- Myelin sheath: Thin
- Muscle
- Fiber size: Varied
- Fiber type: 1 predominant
- Fiber typs grouping: Mild
- Mitochondrial oxidative enzyme activities: Individual complexes reduced in some patients
- Glycogen: May be increased
- NGLY1 protein: Absent
- Liver: Cytoplasmic accumulation of storage material in vacuoles
- EEG: Generalized spikes
- α-fetoprotein: High
- Lactate: High in 50%
Axonal neuropathy, Optic atrophy & Cognitive deficit (ANOAC)
Syntaxin binding protein 5-like (STXBP5L; LLGL4)

; Chromosome 3q13.33; Recessive
- Epidemiology: 1 Middle-Eastern family; 2 patients
- Genetics
- Mutation: c.3127G>A, Val1043Ile
- STXBP5L protein
- Expression: CNS & PNS
- Inhibits neurotransmitter release
- Inhibits formation of SNARE complexes between synaptic vesicles & plasma membrane
- Rgulates docking & fusion of synaptic vesicles with presynaptic membrane
- Neurosecretory cells
- Insulin secretion: Negative regulator
- Clinical
- Onset
- Age: 3 months
- Hypotonia: Proximal & Distal
- Feeding dificulties
- Weakness
- Diffuse
- Legs > Arms
- No sitting or walking
- Bulbar dysfunction
- Tendon reflexes: Absent
- Sensation: Normal
- Skeletal
- Scoliosis
- Contractures: Distal
- Optic atrophy: Progressive
- Extra-pyramidal (50%): Dystonia; Dyskinesia
- Seizures: Myoclonic & Tonic-Clonic
- Eye movements: Slow saccades; Supranuclear paresis; Ophthalmoplegia
- Cognition: Delayed
- Course
- Progressive
- Death: 3rd to 8th year; Respiratory failure
- Laboratory
- NCV: Axon loss, Sensory & Motor (Small SNAPs & CMAPs)
- EMG: Motor unit potentials large
- Muscle: Neurogenic atrophy
- Nerve: Axon loss
- EEG: Epileptic discharges with seizures
- MRI: Brain atrophy
Leukodystrophy, progressive, early childhood-onset (PLDECO)
Alkaline ceramidase 3 (ACER3)

; Chromosome 11q13.5; Recessive
- Epidemiology: 1 Ashkenazi Jewish family, 2 patients
- Genetics
- Mutation: Homozygous; Gly33Gly
- ACER3 protein
- Hydrolysis of unsaturated long-chain ceramides
- Clinical
- Onset age: 6 to 13 months
- Developmental regression
- Truncal hypotonia
- Appendicular spasticity
- Dystonia
- Areflexia
- Optic discs pale
- Neurogenic bladder
- Face dysmorphism
- Course: Progressive
- Laboratory
- Brain imaging: White matter pathology, Cerebral atrophy, Corpus callosum thin
- Nerve biopsy: Axon loss
GPI Biosynthesis Defect with Axonal Neuropathy & Metabolic Abnormality
Phosphatidylinositol glycan anchor biosynthesis class B protein (PIGB)

; Chromosome 15q21.3; Recessive
- Epidemiology: 11 families
- Genetics
- Mutations: Missense; Few stop
- Allelic disorder: EIEE80 (GPIBD20)
- PIGB protein
- Endoplasmic reticulum transmembrane protein
- Transfers 3rd mannose to glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)
- Disease class: Inherited glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI) deficiencies (IGDs)
- Often caused by genes related to GPI synthesis
- Disorders
- Clinical
- Onset age: Neonatal
- Global delay: Developmental; Intellectual
- Seizures
- Peripheral neuropathy
- More severe disorders
- Axon loss: Motor > Sensory
- Other
- Deafness
- Bone: Osteodystrophy; Terminal phalanges aplasia; Scoliosis
- Onychodystrophy
- Course: Often death < 4 years
- Laboratory
- 2-Oxoglutaric aciduria
- Alkaline phosphatase: High
- Brain MRI: Polymicrogyria 20%; Cerebral atrophy; Hypomyelination
- EEG: Spike wave discharges
Mental retardation, Enteropathy, Deafness, Peripheral Neuropathy, Ichthyosis, Keratoderma (MEDNIK)
Adaptor-related protein complex 1, sigma-1 subunit (AP1S1)

; Chromosome 7q22.1; Recessive
- Epidemiology: 4 families
- Genetics
- Mutations: Splice site & Insertion
- AP1S1 protein
- SAP-1 complex subunit: Involved in protein trafficking by clathrin-coated vesicles
- Main protein components of coat surrounding cytoplasmic face of coated vesicles
- Golgi complex
- Mutation: Abnormal trafficking of copper transporters
- AP1B1
mutations: MEDNIK-like syndrome without neuropathy
- Clinical
- Onset: Congenital
- Mental retardation: Psychomotor
- Enteropathy: Diarrhea; Hepatic fibrosis
- Deafness: Sensorineural
- Peripheral Neuropathy
- Skin: Ichthyosis; Keratoderma; Hypopigmentation; Laxity
- Treatment: ? Zinc acetate
- Laboratory
- Brain MRI: Atrophy
- Lactate: Increased
- Serum copper & ceruloplasmin: Reduced
- Very long chain fatty acids (VLCFAs): Increased
Deafness, Cataract, Impaired intellectual development & Polyneuropathy (DCIDP)
Proteasome 26S subunit, ATPase, 3 (PSMC3; PRS6A)

; Chromosome 11p11.2; Recessive
- Epidemiology: 1 Turkish family, 3 patients
- Genetics
- Mutation: Homozygous; Intronic; c.1127+337A-G
- PSMC3 protein
- Component of 26S ATP-dependent protease
- 19S proteasome regulatory complex
- ATPase activity
- Proteasome related
- ATP-dependent degradation of ubiquitinated proteins
- Heterohexameric ring of AAA proteins
- Unfolds ubiquitinated target proteins: Concurrently translocated into proteolytic chamber & degraded into peptides
- Clinical
- Onset: Early childhood
- Deafness: Rapidly progressive
- Cataract: Congenital
- Intellectual development: Severe delay
- Face: Dysmorphism
- Skin
- Subcutaneous calcifications at elbows & knees
- Hair: Depigmented (White) in legs
- Polyneuropathy
- Laboratory
- Auditory brainstem reflexes: Reduced
- Heat CT: Lateral semicircular canal malformations
Phosphoserine Aminotransferase Deficiency (PSATD)
Phosphoserine aminotransferase 1 (PSAT1)

; Chromosome 9q21.2; Recessive
- Epidemiology
- 31 patients
- 4 patients diagnosed as adults
- Genetics
- Mutations: Missense & Stop
- Allelic disorder: Neu-Laxova syndrome 2
- PSAT1 protein
- Serine synthesis
- Reversible conversion of 3-phosphohydroxypyruvate to phosphoserine
- Clinical
- Onset: Congenital to Childhood
- Polyneuropathy
- Weakness: Distal; Hands & Feet
- Sensory loss: Panmodal; Acromutilation
- Tendon reflexes: Absent at ankles; Brisk elsewhere
- More severepatients
- Psychomotor retardation
- Spasticity
- Seizures
- Hearing loss: Sensorineural
- Skin
- Early in disease course
- Ichthyosis
- Xerotic
- Hypertension
- Joint contractures: Distal
- Course: Progressive
- Treatment
- Serine supplementation (100 to 900 mg/kg/day)
- Glycine (300 mg/kg/day)
- Laboratory
- Serum serine: Low or Normal
- Head imaging: Microcephaly; Brain atrophy or normal
- NCV: Axon loss
- Nerve pathology: Axon loss
- Skin: Hyperkeratosis
Childhood Carpal tunnel syndrome: Differential daignosis
- Storage disorders: Mucopolysaccharidoses
- Structural anomalies
- Local: Bone; Tendon; Muscle; Band; Transverse carpal ligament hypertrophy
- General: Skeletal (Spondyloepiphyseal) Dysplasia; Weill-Marchesani
- Bleeding: Hemophilia
- Mass: Hemangioma; Hamartoma; Tumors; Abscesses
- Systemic disease: Disseminated angiomatosis; Lipoid proteinosis; Scleroderma
- Local injury
- Overuse: Flexion-extension; Sustained flexion (Dystonia; Cerebral palsy)
- Trauma; Burns
- Familial
- Commonly autosomal dominant
- Onset: 1 year to 3rd decade
- Frequently bilateral or right hand
- Associated with thickened transverse carpal ligament, or digital
flexor tenosynovitis
Hereditary Sensory Neuropathies
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Neuromuscular home page
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Polyneuropathy Index
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