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Myelin & Schwann Cell Components

  Axon relations
  Other components
  Pathology: Images
  Schmidt-Lanterman cleft
  Early images
Node of Ranvier
Schwann cell
Schwann Cells: Original Description
Theodor Schwann

Myelin: Early Images

Leeuwenhoek, A. van, 1719 7

Spinal Nerve: From cow or sheep

Ranvier, L., 1872 8

Node of Ranvier: Rabbit

Ramon y Cajal 1909

Myelin Internode

Myelinated axon + Schwann cell cytoplasm Schwann Cell Development 2

Neural crest cells
Schwann cell: Types
    Non-myelinating (Remak)
    Wallerian Degeneration
    Büngner bands

Schwann cells & Myelin: Domains & Structure

Molecules in selective peripheral myelin & Schwann cell regions

Myelin Glycoproteins 1

P0 Location: Compact PNS myelin; Promyelinating Schwann cells; Büngner bands
Abundant: 50% of PNS myelin proteins
Molecular: Contains sulfated N-glycans; 30-kDa
Function: Stabilizes intraperiod line of compact PNS myelin by homophilic interactions
Diseases: CMT 1B; Dejerine-Sottas (CMT III);
    Congenital Hypomyelinating neuropathy
Myelin associated glycoprotein Locations
  Cells: Myelin-forming oligodendrocytes & Schwann cells
  Membranes: Periaxonal Schwann cell; ? Abaxonal
Molecular: 100 kDa
  N-linked glycosylation: 30% by weight; Contain sialic acid, sulfate & GlcNAc
  Binds to α2,3-linked sialic acids
Function: Axon-Glia interactions; Schmidt-Lanterman clefts
Disease: Anti-MAG neuropathy
Peripheral myelin protein-22 (PMP-22) Location: Compact PNS myelin
Molecular: 22-kDa
  Similar to PLP/DM-20 & OTM in CNS
  4 hydrophobic transmembrane domains
Forms complexes with P0 in myelin membranes Disease: CMT 1A
170 kDa glycoprotein (SAG)PNS Schwann cells & myelin
Schwann cell myelin protein (SMP)Homology to MAG
? present in humans
Myelin/Oligodendrocyte glycoprotein (MOG) Location: External surface of oligodendrocytes & CNS myelin
Oligodendrocyte-myelin glycoprotein (OMgp) Location: CNS myelin
General properties
  • Many are members of immunoglobulin superfamily
  • Often express HNK-1 carbohydrate epitope
  • Carbohydrate epitope may be involved in homophilic cell-cell interactions
  • Glycosylation
    • PNS: Major myelin proteins glycosylated
    • CNS: Major myelin proteins not glycosylated

Nodes of Ranvier & Associated Structures 6

Internode Juxtaparanode Compact myelin Compact myelin Paranode Node of Ranvier

Myelinated Axons: Regions & Major components
Region Axon Myelin or
Schwann cell
Node of
Narrow Neurofascin 186
  Na+ channels
SC Microvilli
Paranode Narrow CNTN1; Caspr1 Terminal loops
Neurofascin 155
Juxtaparanode Wide Caspr2; CNTN2
  K+ channels
Compact +

Internode Wide Necl1; Necl2 Compact
SL clefts

Node of Ranvier
  • Anatomy
    • Axon
      • Smaller diameter than at internode
      • Neurofilaments closely spaced
    • Schwann cell microvilli contact axon
    • CNS: Contact is formed by perinodal astrocyte
  • Schwann cell: Microvilli
    • Membrane & Extracellular: Neurofascin (155 splice variant)
    • Intracellular: Actin; Ezrin ; Radixin ; Moesin
    • Other components
      • Gliomedin : Promotes node formation
      • Collagen V
      • Heparan sulfate proteoglycans
        • Syndecans
        • Versican (CSPG2)
  • Extracellular: Tenascin-C; Tenascin-R
  • Axon
    • Membrane
    • Sub-membrane cytoskeleton
      • AnkyrinG (ANK3) : 480 & 270 kDa splice variants
      • βIV-Spectrin (SPTBN4)
  • Images
Paranode Juxtaparanode
  • Axon
    • Anatomy: Axolemma extending 10 to 15 μM from paranode
    • Axon membrane proteins
      • Voltage gated K+ channels: Delayed rectification
      • Cell adhesion molecules
        • Contactin-associated protein-like 2 (CNTNAP2; Caspr2)
        • Contactin 2 (CNTN2; Tag1)
      • NCP2 (Nieman-Pick, type C2 disease)
    • Axon submembrane proteins
      • Caspr2: PDZ domain
      • Band 4.1B
      • F-Actin
      • αII/βII Spectrin
  • Schwann cell membrane
    • TAG1 (Contactin 2)
    • K+ channels
Internodal region: Components
  • Axon
    • Cell adhesion molecules
      • Necl1 (IGSF4B)
      • Necl2 (IGSF4)
  • Compact myelin
  • Schwann cell cytoplasm & membranes
    • Contains tripartite strand with components similar to juxta paranode
    • Strand apposes
      • Inner mesaxon
      • Inner region of Schmidt-Lanterman incisures
    • Molecules
      • Necl4 (IGSF4C)
      • Necl2 (IGSF4)
      • MAG
  • Basal lamina
Axon Initial Segment
  • Excitatory neurons: Nav1.2 (SCN2A)
  • Inhibitory neurons: Nav1.1 (SCN1A)

Myelinated axon near Paranode & Node of Ranvier

Myelin-related components, Other

Non-myelinating Schwann cells

Non-myelinating & Denervated Schwann cells: Components

Other Schwann cell components

Early growth response (EGR) genes

Myelin-Associated Glycoprotein (MAG; siglec-4) 1,4

Myelin/Oligodendrocyte Glycoprotein (MOG)

Return to Neuromuscular Home Page
Return to Demyelinating neuropathies

1. J. Molec Neurosci 1997;7:1-12, Cell Mol Life Sci 2002;59:1851–1871, J Neurol Sci 2005;228:187-189
2. Trends Neurosci 1999;22:402-410, Journal of Peripheral Nervous System 2008;13:122–135, Dev Neurobiol 2020 Apr,
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3. Brain 2000;123:222-233, Glia 2022;70:2237-2259, Neuropathol Appl Neurobiol 2023;49:e12898
4. Glia 2000;29:154-165
5. Neuron 2001;30:677-687
6. J Periph Nerv Sys 2002;7:1-12, Glia 2008;56:1532-1540
7. Leeuwenhoek, A. van, 1719. Epistola XXXII (p. 312)   in Epistolae physiologicae super compluribus naturae arcanis,   Adrianum Beman, Delft.
8. Ranvier, L., 1872. Recherches sur l’histologie et la physiologie des nerfs. Archives de Physiologie Normale et Pathologique, 4, 129-149.
9. Muscle Nerve 2021;64:109-115
10. Mult Scler Relat Disord 2022;68:104214
11. Front Neurol 2022;13:885218
12. Cell Rep 2023;42:113282
