Nerve Injury
- Neuropraxia
- Axon: Anatomically intact: No Wallerian degeneration
- Anatomy
- Especially affects: Large myelinated axons
- Pathology: Focal demyelination or dysfuntion
- Physiology: Nerve conduction block
- Clinical pattern: Motor > Sensory
- Axonotmesis
- Axons: Discontinuous Wallerian degeneration
- Epineurium: Continuous
- Neurotmesis
- Complete nerve disconnection
Electrophysiology: Changes after nerve transection
- Normal for 2 to 3 days
- Reduced amplitude: Reaches nadir at 7 to 10 days
- Amplitude: Reaches nadir at day 10 or 11
Wallerian degeneration
- Motor axons: Onset 3 to 5 days
- Sensory axons: Onset 6 to 10 days
Myelinated axons: Loss
Axons, Large & Small: Comparative changes
Myelinated Axon loss: Large > Small

Toluidine blue stain
Myelinated Axon loss: Small > Large

VvG stain
Large axons: Moderately severe loss
Small Axons: Relatively preserved:
Many Small axons, but Few large, myelinated axons
Small axons are diffusely distributed, not clustered, in endoneurium

Neurofilament stain
Remaining Large Myelinated Axon (Arrow)

Neurofilament stain
Axon loss, severe: Large & Small axons are both markedly reduced

Neurofilament stain
Myelinated axons: Severe loss

VvG stain
Wallerian Degeneration
Wallerian Degeneration: Principles & Features
- Wallerian degeneration: Definition
- Sequence of Axon & Myelin degeneration
- Location: Segment of nerve distal to a site of transection
- Stages
- Electrodiagnostic
- ? Similar process: Dying back axon degeneration
- Wallerian Degeneration: Morphological & other changes in nerve constituents
- Stimulus for Wallerian degeneration
- Distal axon loses connection with proximal axon
- Wallerian degeneration: Axon changes
- Early
- Minutes: Changes in axon segments near transsection
- Short-distance (200 μM): Acute axon degeneration (AAD)
- Mediated by
- Extracellular Ca++ influx
- Anterogradely conduced wave in distal axon
- Activation of calpain
- Ca++-dependent serine-threonine protease
- Intracellular enzyme
- Inhibited by: Ca++ channel blockers
- Hours to 2 days
- Regions near injury: Accumulation of organelles & mitochondria
- Dystrophic bulbs
- Occur at both transected ends
- Mechanism: Anterograde & retrograde axon transport
- Proximal & Distal axon: Retraction from injury site
- Distal axon
- Remains morphologically intact & electrically excitable
- Axon transport (anterograde & retrograde) continues
- Proximal stump: Produces sprouts within hours after axotomy
- Later (≥ 1 to 3 days): Changes in Distal axon
- Endoplasmic reticulum: Loss of structure
- Cytoplasm: Neurofilament & Cytoskeleton Degradation
- Associated with influx of Ca++
- Activation of calpain
- Autophagy-related
- Mitochondria: Swelling
- Distal axon morphology: Granular degeneration
- Becomes fragmented
- Phagocytosis
- Direction after focal injury: Proximal to Distal; Rate of up to 24 mm/hr
- Timing
- Before degeneration
- Distal axon segment may remain electrically excitable
- Sensory responses persist 2 to 3 days longer than motor
- Conduction failure may precede axon degeneration
- Time to loss of excitability
- Facial nerve: 4 to 7 days
- Arm nerves, Motor: 5 to 7 days
- Arm nerves, Sensory: 7 to 10 days
- Degeneration
- Begins several days (4 to 10) after axonal transection
- Progression
- Possible length dependence
- May be from proximal to distal axon or diffuse
- More rapid with shorter distal stump
- WD Delayed by: Molecules & Factors
- Temperature: Reduced
- Extracellular Ca++: Lowered
- Ca++ channel (L-type) blockers
- Mutations or Loss
- NMNAT1: WldS
- General
- Chaperone
- Aids in refolding of misfolded proteins
- NAD+ biosynthesis
- Catalyzes
- Nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN) →
Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+)
- Controls SARM1 activation
- NAD+: Inhibits SARM1 (Inactive TIR domains)
- NMN: Associated with SARM1 activation (Active TIR domains)
- Present in axon cytoplasm
- Carried down axon by anterograde axon transport
- Short half-life: Rapidly lost after axon transection
- 2 pools: Vesicular & Non-vesicular
- Axons
- Disease: Polyneuropathy & Erythromelalgia
- NOS knockout
- DR6 (TNFRSF21)
↓ Activity (Inhibition)
- Toll-like receptor adapter protein
- SARM1 structures
- Forms octameric ring: via SAM domain
- SARM1 Loss
- Axon degeneration: Slowed
- Types of axon degeneration affected
- Transsection
- Dying back (Chemotherapy)
- SARM1 activity
- Required for early injury induced axon degeneration
- Causes damage by: Reducing NAD+ in axon cytoplasm
- SARM1 activated by
- High NMN/NAD+ ratio
- TNF-α
(Neuro-Inflammatory signal)
- MLKL (Necroptosis-like signal): Via inducing loss of
- Axotomy
- Blocks delivery of labile axon survival factors (NMNAT2)
- Factors normally inhibit SARM1
- Mechanism of SARM1 action: Stimulates NAD+ cleavage & loss
- Active SARM1 protein domain
- Toll/Interleukin-1 receptor (TIR)
- Possesses intrinsic NAD+ cleavage (NADase) activity
- NADase activity increased
- NAD+ converted to ADPR (ADP Ribose) products
- Leads to Ca++ influx & Axon degeneration
- SARM1 required for: Vincristine & Bortezomib induced axon degeneration
- Vincristine
- Stimulates axon autonomous degeneration via MAPK pathway
- Mediated by MAP3K12
& MAP3K13
- Bortezomib
- Induces axon degeneration via neuron cell body
- Mediated by
- Activated caspases (Caspase-3 cleavage) in axon
- Transcriptional regulation
- Apoptosis-like
- Similar mechanism to NGF withdrawal
- Disease association: ALS & SPG
- Gain of function polymorphisms
- Frequency: 0.12% vs Not seen in controls
- DLK (MAP3K12)
: Loss of function
- jnk (MAPK8)
: Signaling requires DR6
- Inhibition: JNK kinase

- WD More rapid
- Galectin-3 loss
- Increased pro-inflammatory cytokines
- IL-1β, TNF-α, Toll-like receptor (TLR)-2 & -4
- Increased phagocytic capacity of Schwann cells & macrophages
- No effect: NGF
- WD: Molecular events
- Early in axons
- Loss of m-Calpain
- Ca++ entry
- Associated cytokines
- Early: TNFα & IL-1α
- After delay: IL-1β
- Inhibitory molecule: MOX2 (CD200)
inhibits macrophage lineage cells
- Not related to bcl-2 or caspase activation
- Molecules upregulated in neurons after axotomy
- STAT-3 protein
: Associated with CNTF stimulation
- Activating transcription factor 3
: Acts as heterodimer with jun proteins
- Nna1 (ATP/GTP-Binding protein 1; AGTPBP1)
: Motor neurons
- Putative zinc carboxypeptidase
- Presumed nuclear localization
- Adenosine triphosphate/guanosine triphosphate binding motif
- Genetics
- Disorder: CONDCA
- Mutations (Animal): Purkinje cell degeneration (pcd) mouse
- Nerve injury associated kinase: Sensory neurons
- Molecules upregulated in nerve distal to transection
- Early activation of erbB2 4
- Related to: Schwann cell demyelination after axotomy
- Time course
- Early activation: Occurs 10 to 180 minutes after nerve damage
- erbB2 also increased late (days) after nerve transection
- Anatomy
- Originates in microvilli of Schwann cells, in direct contact with axon
- Localized to nodal region of myelinating Schwann cells
- Activation occurs near & distal to nerve transection site
- Related features
- MAPK is also activated early after nerve transection
- ATP mimetic PKI166 (Blocks erbB2 activation)
- Reduces ovoid accumulation in Schwann cell cytoplasm
- Neuregulin coreceptor erbB3 participates in the rapid activation
- Neuregulin in vitro
- Induces demyelination
- Mimics early response of Schwann cells to nerve damage
- Ninjurin1
- Adhesion molecule
- Induced in injured DRG neurons & Schwann cells
- Ninjurin2
- Adhesion protein
- Expressed constitutively by mature sensory neurons
- Induced in Schwann cells in distal segment of lesioned nerve
- Glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF)
- GDNF family receptor α1 (GFRα1)
- Disintegrin CRII-7/rMDC15
- ADAM (a disintegrin and metalloprotease) gene family
- FGF-2
- IL-6: Pain-inducing cytokine
- TNF-α
: Macrophage recruitment from the periphery
- SDF-1γ (Stromal cell-derived factor (SDF)-1 isoform)
- Molecules reduced in nerve distal to transection
- SCG10 (Stathmin-like 2; STMN2)
- Reduced in distal stump before morphologic changes
- Promotes regeneration in proximal stump
- Heterozygous knockout: Motor axon damage
- Reduced in spinal cord in ALS
- Mice with slow Axon degeneration
- C57BL/Wlds
- Genetics
- Mutation: 85 kb tandem triplication on distal mouse chromosome 4
- Mutated region contains 2 associated genes
- Nicotinamide mononucleotide adenylyltransferase (NMNAT1; D4Cole1e)

- 5' end of ubiquitination factor E4B (Ube4b)

- Proteins
- Subcellular location: Nuclear; May act in cytoplasm
- Expressed in: Skeletal muscle, Heart, Liver, Kidney & Brain
- Function: NAD biosynthesis
- Probably the component responsible for axonal protection
- NMNAT1 enzyme activity required for axon protection
- Sirt1
(NAD-dependent deacetylase)
- Downstream of NNMNAT
- Contributes to axonal protection
- E4B
- Subcellular location: Cytoplasmic
- Expressed in: Skeletal muscle, Ovary, Testis & Heart
- Functions
- Binds to ubiquitin moieties of conjugates
- Catalyzes ubiquitin chain assembly
- WldS mutation
- Chimeric gene product: 1st 70 AA Of Ube4b + NMNAT1 full sequence
- Causes ectopic localization of NMNAT1 (NAD+ biosynthesis enzyme) to axons
- May augment NMNAT2
- Maintains NMNAT enzyme activity in distal axons after injury
- Loss of NMNAT2
causes axon loss in vitro
- Site of action may be axonal ER/Golgi or mitochondria
- Mutation effects on proteins: Increased expression
- Mouse effects
- Wallerian degeneration delayed by 3 to 4 weeks
- Axons less susceptible to vincristine toxicity
- pmn mouse: Slower progression of disease
- SOD1/ALS (SOD1-G93A) mouse
- Slightly longer survival
- Delayed denervation at NMJ
- Neuronal nitric oxide synthase knockout
- Slow Wallerian degeneration
- Delayed regeneration
- Incomplete pruning of axon sprouts: Enhanced number of axons
- Wallerian degeneration: Myelin changes
- Early
- Anatomic
- Schmidt-Lantermann incisura: Widened
- Myelin layers: Irregular
- Ovoid formations begin at these loci
- Molecular
- Expression of Phospholipase A2 (Lipolytic enzyme)
- Activation of neuregulin-ErbB2 signaling (Demyelinating mechanisms)
- Actin polymerization
- E-cadherin recycling
- Paranodal myelin retraction
- Myelin "collapse" & fragmentation
- Myelin Degeneration
- Degenerative changes of myelin: Patterns
- Initial
- Within "Demyelinating" (Post-myelinating) Schwann cells
- Subcelllular: Begins along Schmidt-Lanterman clefts
- Associated with: c-Jun activation; Increased autophagic activity
- Anatomic along nerve: Distal to proximal direction
- Axon types: Small axons before Large axons
- Molecular markers of Schwann cell & Macrophage activity
- Mixed lineage kinase domain-like protein (MLKL)
- Location: Increased in Schwann cells & Macrophages
- Binds to sulfatide
- Final executioner of canonical necroptosis
- Induces loss of axon survival factors NMNAT2 & STMN2 to activate SARM1
- Myelin degradation associated with phosphorylation of MLKL serine 441
- MLKL knockout: Reduces or delays myelin breakdown & axon regeneration
- Myelin basic protein (MBP): Present in myelin fragments
- Consequence: Often signal, or attract, phagocytic macrophages
- Ovoid formation
- Primary ovoids: Early change (1 to 2 days)
- Intracellular (Schwann cell) myelin: Fragmentation
- Abaxonal Schwann cell cytoplasm
- Dilated
- Contains rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER) & vesicles
- Secondary ovoids (Myelinosomes): Later change (3 to 7 days)
- Pinched off from primary ovoid
- Compact myelin structures in Schwann cell cytoplasm
- Exocytosed from Schwann cell cytoplasm
- Into abaxonal extracellular space
- Myelin debris: May be further degraded by macrophages
- Macrophages
- ? Attracted by cytokines
- Phagocytosis & degradation of myelin debris
- Schwann cells
- Changes
- Proliferation: Especially non-myelinating Schwann cells
- De-differentiation: Myelinating Schwann cells
- Develop autophagic properties
- Degrade myelin sheath
- Auto-autophagy: Myelinating Schwann cells
- Contain & Degrade: Myelin debris (Myelinophagy); MPZ & MBP proteins
- Autophagy markers increased: LC3-II; Wipi2
- Most prominent in 1st week after nerve injury
- Less autophagy by CNS oligodendroglia after axon damage
- Form Bands of Büngner
- Definition: Arrays of Schwann cells & processes within basement membrane
- Molecular: Büngner band Schwann cells express both NCAM & P0 protein
- Provide substrate for axonal regeneration
- Long-term: Schwannn cells atrophy and disappear if axonal regeneration does not occur
- Phagocytes (Macrophages): Degradation of myelin breakdown products to lipid debris
- Origin
- Mostly hematogenous incoming
- Recruitment regulated by: Raf–MEK–ERK mitogen-activated protein kinase
- Invasion of nerve 3 to 4 days after axon transection
- Phagocytosis of sudanophilic (lipid) debris: Appear as foamy cells
- Complement is necessary for phagocytosis
- Clear axonal & myelin debris
- Course: Cells may persist for 3 to 7 months
- Fibroblasts
- Proliferate during 1st week
- Migrate adjacent to degenerating fibers
- Produce some collagen
- Blood-nerve barrier
- Loses integrity during early degeneration & regeneration
- Re-established over months
Alternate axon degeneration pathway: Trophic withdrawal induced
- Stimulus: Loss of trophic factors (NGF)
- Site of degeneration: Distal axon
- Pathway components
- Membrane related: p75; DR6
- Bax
- Caspases: 9; 6; 3


Oppenheim 1894
Wallerian Degeneration: Pathology
Axon Degeneration: Patterns & Morphology
Axons: Degeneration, Ongoing, Early
Axon Loss: Early
Neurofilament stain of Axons: Reduced or Absent

Neurofilament stain
Reduced, or absent, staining of large axons within pale areas that normally contain axons & myelin
Clusters of small, unmyelinated, axons are normally stained
Compare to: Control nerve

Neurofilament stain
Degeneration of Myelinated Axons: Ultrastructure
Myelinated Axon Degeneration: Very Early
Axon Pathology

From: R Schmidt
WD Very Early: Axoplasm Aggregates
WD Very Early: Axoplasm: Dark & Homogeneous
WD Very Early: Axoplasm
Few organelles
WD Very Early: Axoplasm, Ultrastructure
Aggregated organelles
Clustered regionally in axon: Near mildly abnormal myelin structure

From: R Schmidt
WD Very Early: Axoplasm, Ultrastructure
Volume: Reduced
Irregular or Pale
May contain vesicles or organelles
Myelin sheath:
May appear very thick compared to axon size

From: R Schmidt

From: R Schmidt
WD Very Early: Axoplasm, Ultrastructure
Volume: Reduced
Irregular or Pale
May contain vesicles or organelles
WD Moderately Early: Axoplasm loss & Pathology

From: R Schmidt
Volume: Reduced
May be irregular
Myelin sheath: Appears very thick compared to axon size

From: R Schmidt

From: R Schmidt
Volume: Reduced
May be irregular
Myelin sheath: Appears thick compared to axon size

From: R Schmidt
Blebs: May be present between damaged axon & myelin (Below)
Myelin ± Axon Pathology: Early

From: R Schmidt
Clustered organelles
Myelin: Early WD Changes
Internal Pathology: Bleb, from internal layers of myelin sheath, indents axon
Sheath: Thick compared to axon size
WD Very Early
Abnormal structure of internal layers
Aggregated organelles
Clustered regionally in axon: Near abnormal myelin structure
WD Very Early
Aggregated Organelles
Remnants of axon within remaining compact myelin
Myelin: Irregular internal areas
No associated phagocytic cells

From: Robert Schmidt MD

From: Robert Schmidt MD
WD Early
Myelin: Blebs from inner myelin layers indent axons
Compact Myelin: Abnormal Structure
Axoplasm Pallor
Axoplasm is pale
Organelle aggregates are present
Myelin Early WD Changes
Structure of compact myelin is disrupted
Outer Myelin Layers: Abnormal Structure
May be: Pale or Aggregated
Myelin Early WD Changes
Myelin outer layers: Abnormal structure
Remaining myelin:
Thick compared to axon size
WD, Early: Ab-Axonal Schwann cell Cytoplasm
Pale background
Irregular aggregates
Wallerian Degeneration
Neurofilament-stained axons: Lost within regions of myelin (MBP stain)
Axons: Neurofilament stain
Reduced or Absent staining for Large axons (Yellow)
Staining for Small axons (Green) remains
Mechanism of axon loss:
Myelin-Basic Protein (MBP) (Red): Present in remaining myelin
Regions with MBP stain are abnormal: Costain with NCAM
Also see:
Control Nerve

Neurofilament stain (Green or Yellow); Myelin Basic Protein stain (Red)
Control Nerve Myelin basic protein (Red) surrounds large axons (Yellow)
Normal clusters of small unmyelinated axons (Green)

Neurofilament stain = Green; Myelin basic protein stain = Red
Also see
Control nerve
Moderately later pathology
Large Axon loss: Chronic
Wallerian Degeneration, Days to Few Weeks Regions of Myelin basic protein (Red) often have no associated axons
Loss of small unmyelinated axons (Green)

Neurofilament stain = Green; Myelin basic protein stain = Red
Loss of Large Axons: Moderately later than above
Axons (Yellow & Green; Neurofilament stain)
Absent, or Reduced large axons: Axons inside Myelin basic protein stained myelin (Schwann cells)
Areas where axons are lost are black
Small axons are relatively preserved
Myelin basic protein stain (Red)
Shapes: Variable and irregular
No associated axons
Central dark areas where axons are lost
Regions of Myelin Basic Protein (Red) have no associated Neurofilament-stained (Yellow) axons

Neurofilament (Green) & Myelin basic protein (Red) stain
Also See
Control nerve for comparison
Axon loss: Earlier
Axon Loss, Early: Myelin changes
Myelin is still present

VvG stain
Wallerian Degeneration: Schwann cells, Myelinating

NCAM stain
Axon Degeneration, Early (Above): Increased NCAM expression in Schwann cell cytoplasm
Normal (Below): Express NCAM mainly in adaxonal cytoplasm

NCAM stain
Normal nerve: Schwann cells, Non-myelinating
Normal (NCAM+) Non-myelinating Schwann cells
Present in clusters between myelinated axons
Not present in most regions of myelin sheath
Also see:
Large axon loss, Chronic
Abnormal Co-localization of NCAM & MBP in myelin remnants (Yellow)

NCAM (Green) + Myelin basic Protein (MBP) (Red) stain
Also see:
Control nerve
Myelin & Axon degeneration: Ongoing, Early
Fixed nerve

Toluidine blue stain
Axon & Myelin Degeneration: Many circular compact myelin profiles with
Irregular, pale or dark, central regions
No phagocytes or fragmentation
Irregular morphology

Toluidine blue stain
Axon degeneration: Early
Irregular myelin figures
Some remaining axons have dark axoplasm
No histiocytes (with lipid droplets in cytoplasm)

Toluidine blue stain
Wallerian degeneration: Schwann cell pathology

C5b-9 stain
C5b-9: Stains Schwann cell processes around myelin sheaths

C5b-9 stain

MxA stain
MxA: Stains Schwann cell processes around myelin sheaths

MxA stain

MxA stain
Wallerian Degeneration: Intermediate stages
Myelin Breakdown: Fragmentation & Degeneration in Schwann cells

VvG stain

Acid phosphatase stain
Wallerian degeneration: Myelin fragmentation stage
Large endoneurial cells (red) contain prominent lysosomal activity

Acid phosphatase stain
Large, Post-myelinating (Autophagic) Schwann cells
Fragmented myelin (Light arrow): In various shapes & stages of degeneration
Lipid droplets (Dark arrow): Small, Round & Clear

Toluidine blue stain
Myelin fragmentation in Post-myelinating (Autophagic) Schwann cells

Electron micrograph: From Robert E Schmidt MD
Early phase: Autophagic Schwann cell
Myelin, compact: Fragmentation inside Schwann Cell
Schwann cell characteristic: Surrounded by Basal lamina (Below; Arrow)
Axon is lost
Autophagic Schwann cell
Contains: Myelin fragments & Lipid droplets

Robert E Schmidt MD
Myelin Degradation: Later phase
Autophagic Schwann Cells contain
Lipid debris
Myelin fragments, small
Axons: Lost

Electron micrograph: From Robert E Schmidt MD

Electron micrograph: From Robert E Schmidt MD
Myelin & Axon Degeneration: Ongoing, Weeks; Myelin Degradation to Lipids
Macrophages & Phagoocytic cells
- Sources
- Intrinsic
- Recruitment from circulation
- Schwann cell differentiation
- Recruitment factors
- Interleukin-17B (IL-17B)
: Binds to IL-17 receptor B
- Chemokine, CC motif, ligand 2 (CCL2)

Acid phosphatase stain
Phagocytic cells, Endoneurial

Toluidine blue stain

CD68 stain

Toluidine blue stain
Wallerian degeneration: Ongoing
Irregular, large myelin figures
Many histiocytes: Contain small round lipid droplets in cytoplasm
Axons are degraded & lost

Toluidine blue stain

Toluidine blue stain
Wallerian degeneration: Ongoing myelin degradation
Irregular, large myelin figures
Many histiocytes with lipid droplets in cytoplasm
Axons are degraded & lost

Toluidine blue stain

Toluidine blue stain

Toluidine blue stain
Myelin ovoids: Longitudinal section of nerve

Toluidine blue stain
Myelin Ovoids: Teased axons
Top: Myelinated axon, control (Node of Ranvier at Arrow)
2nd row: Schwann cell sheath with no remaining myelin fragments or axon
Myelin ovoids & remnants along paths of previously degenerated myelinated axon
Myelin Remnants: Features
Irregular laminated structure
Within Schwann cell
No associated axon
Histiocytes: Debris- & Lipid-containing
Phagocytes (vacuolated) in endoneurium
Large cells: Contain myelin debris or round, clear lipid droplets.
Normal axons with thin & thick myelin sheaths may also be present.

Toluidine blue stained plastic sections
Myelin profiles & Lipid droplets in phagocytic (Probably Schwann) cells

Toluidine blue stained plastic sections
Early WD: Histiocytes
Myelin outer layers: Irregular structure
Schwann cell, Ab-Axonal cytoplasm
Contains myelin fragments
Present in areas around axon
Histiocytes with Myelin fragments around a cell with a large, partially degraded Myelin sheath
Myelin Degradation: Late stage with Lipid droplets & some Myelin fragments
Ultrastructure: Myelin debris & Lipid droplets in Schwann cells & Histiocytes
Some cells have mostly myelin debris (Upper right)
Some cells have many clear, round lipid droplets
Histiocyte: Endoneurial
Contains many clear, round Lipid droplets
Surface: Shows several processes extending into endoneurium
Lipid droplets in Schwann Cells & Macrophages
Schwann cells (Dark arrows) &
Macrophages (Light arrows)
Contain lipid droplets &
Myelin debris

Phagocytic cells: Contain Myelin & Lipid debris
Wallerian Degeneration, Later stage: Histiocytes with Lipid debris around Endoneurial Microvessels

From R E Schmidt MD
Macrophages, Perivascular
- Contents
- Lipid droplets
- Myelin debris, small
- Location

From R E Schmidt MD
Axons, Regenerating
Surrounded by Schwann cell cytoplasm
Unmyelinated (Below)
Thinly myelinated axon (Far right)

From R E Schmidt MD

From R E Schmidt MD
Collagen Pockets
Collagen fibrils surrounded by Schwann cell processes
More common with
Loss of small axons
Increased age
No axon regeneration

RE Schmidt MD

Electron micrograph: From Robert E Schmidt MD
Collagen Pockets
Collagen fibrils surrounded by Schwann cell processes

Electron micrograph: From Robert E Schmidt MD
Schwann cell processes within & around collagen fibrils
Loss of Myelinated, & Some Unmyelinated, Axons
Unmyelinated axons: Mild loss
Normal: Yellow (Green axon + Red NCAM stained Schwann cell)
Lost: Non-myelinating Schwann cells (NCAM stained, Red) without associated axons (Arrow)
Myelinated axons: Severe loss
Markedly reduced numbers of larger green (neurofilament) axons
Few remaining large axons are small
More severe small axon loss
Control (Below)

Neurofilament stain (Green) + NCAM stain (Red)
Large Axons: Nearly complete loss (Chronic)
Large axons: None stained
Small axons: Many preserved
Myelin basic protein: Co-stains (Yellow) on many smaller axons

Neurofilaments (Green); MBP (Red)
Control nerve

Neurofilaments (Green); NCAM (Red)
Myelinated Axons (Large, Green)
2 sizes: Large & Intermediate
No associated NCAM positive (red or yellow) cells
Unmyelinated axons (Small, Yellow)
Occur in clusters
Co-stain (Yellow) for neurofilaments & surrounding non-myelinating Schwann cells
Also see
Large axon loss
Large & Small axon loss
Skin: Normal & Axon loss
Skin Innervation & Biopsy: General
- Utility: Reliable test to document loss of small axons in skin
- Measurement: Intraepidermal nerve fiber density (IENFD)
- Patterns of axon loss & damage
- Length dependent
- Definition: More loss of axons in distal than proximal leg
- Symptoms: Distal; Symmetric
- Associations
- Disorders that damage axons
- Diabetes: More common than in Non-length dependent small fiber neuropathies
- Non-length dependent
- Definition: Similar, or more, loss of axons at proximal compared to distal locations
- Association: Small fiber ganglionopathy
- Symptoms
- Involvement of face, mouth, trunk, upper limbs, or muscle
- Disease associations
- Axon beading: May be early sign of axon damage
- Painful neuropathies
- May have reduced miR-146a & miR-155 expression in painful regions
- Normal numbers of small axons
- Autonomic C-fibers
- Vasomotor: Blood vessel walls
- Sudomotor: Sweat glands
- Pilomotor: Arrector pilorum smooth muscle
Skin: Normal innervation
Skin: Pathologic innervation
Myelin Artefact
Vesiculated myelin
Go to
Normal nerve
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Pathology & Illustrations
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