PERIPHERAL NERVE: Chronic Demyelination
Myelin Loss: On Preserved Larger Axons

Neurofilament stain
Large & Small axons: Present; Reduced numbers

VvG stain
Myelin: Mostly absent
Myelin loss: From preserved larger axons
Few remaining myelinated axons are small with thin myelin sheath

Toluidine blue stain
Few myelinated axons

Toluidine blue stain
Demyelinated large axons, Scattered (Arrow)
Demyelinated axons often have surrrounding Schwann cells

Toluidine blue stain
Onion bulb, Early (Arrow): Reduplicated basal lamina
Segmental Demyelination & Remyelination
Segmental Demyelination with Remyelination (Top)
Internodes (3)
Control Myelinated Axon (Bottom)
Myelin internode

Teased Axons
Myelinated Axons: Segmental Demyelination
Myelination is absent or thin in some internodes but not others

Teased Axons
Myelinated Axons: Segmental Demyelination
Myelination of internode is thin to the left of the Node of Ranvier but normal on the right side

Teased Axons
CIDP: Distal Motor Axons
Segmental Demyalination
Internode widening
Distal Axons
Absent myelin
Collateral sprouts: Reinnervate denervated NMJs

P0-Silver-Esterase stain
Myelin pathology: Multifocal Motor Neuropathy

P0-Silver-Esterase stain
Segmental demyelination (Arrow) of a distal motor axon in
Multifocal motor neuropathy
Arrow points to small region of myelin in area of segemental demyelination
Fragment of neuromuscular junction (Blue stain) is at left
Normally myelinated distal motor axon in muscle
Arrow points normal short myelin internode on distal motor axon

P0-Silver-Esterase stain
Hypomyelinated Axons
See: PMP-22 point mutation

VvG stain
Some increased connective tissue space
No myelin

VvG stain
Large axons: Many present with no surrounding myelin space
Small axons: Mildly reduced numbers

Neurofilament stain

Toluidine blue stain
Many with very thin surrounding myelin
Schwann cell nuclei often directly neighbor thinly myelinated axons

Toluidine blue stain
Many with very thin surrounding myelin
Schwann cell nuclei often directly neighbor thinly myelinated axons
Endomysial connective tissue
Increased between axons

Toluidine blue stain
Onion Bulbs
- Definition
- Circumferentially arranged layers of
- Schwann cell processes
- Schwann cell Basal lamina
- Collagen
- Location: Around axon, or region of axon loss
- History
- Early illustrations: Gombault (1889) & Dejerine + Sottas (1893) (Above)
- Cause
- Demyelination & Remyelination: Repeated episodes
- Schwann cell proliferation
- Development
- Remyelination: New Schwann cells add to, or replace, residual Schwann cell
- Onion bulb formation
- Source: Schwann cells & Processes
- Detatch from axon
- Generate cells & processes that form onion bulb layers
- Structure
- Larger axons: Surrounded by NCAM containing Schwann cells & Basal lamina
- Similar in hereditary & immune, acquired demyelinating disorders
- Structures within onion bulb
- Orientation: Circumferential; around axon, if one is present
- Schwann cells: Contain NCAM & P0 protein; "Denervated"
- Basal lamina: Stains for Collagen IV; Between Schwann cell processes
- Collagen strands
- Associated axon
- In center of onion bulb
- Size: Larger size; or May be several, smaller regenerated axons
- Myelin sheath: Around axon; Inside onion bulb; Often thin for axon size, or absent
- Some onion bulbs have no central axon = "Obsolete onion bulbs"
- Other features
- Individual onion bulbs: Often separated from others by increased endomysial connective tissue
- Congenital Hypomyelinating Neuropathies: Onion bulbs have more basal lamina & fewer Schwann cell processes
- Burnt-out or Obsolete onion bulbs
- Loss of central axon within onion bulb
- Eventual loss of associated Schwann cells
- Nerve size
- Often large: Due to presence of onion bulb & increased endomysial connective tissue
- Differential Diagnosis
- Acquired vs Inherited disorders: Patterns of OB distribution
- Around most axons: More common with inherited neuropathies
- Around scattered axons: Common with acquired neuropathies
- Clustered in regions of nerve: Acquired or inherited neuropathies
Onion Bulbs, Early

Toluidine blue
Onion bulbs, thin: Around myelinated axons (Arrow)

Toluidine blue
Onion bulbs, Early
Extra layers of Basal lamina,
Collagen & Schwann cell
processes around thinly or
normally myelinated axons.

Electron micrograph: From Robert Schmidt MD
Two patterns of Early onion bulbs: Surrounding
Thinly myelinated, around nerve fibers (Above)
Often related to demyelination
More thickly myelinated, irregular-shaped myelinated axons (Below)
May be related to changes in axon size or regeneration

Toluidine blue
Onion bulbs, rudamentary (Arrows)
Schwann cell processes & Collagen
May partially surround irregular-shaped myelinated axons

Toluidine blue
Onion Bulbs: Large, Late

Toluidine blue stains of plastic nerve sections

Onion bulbs, Large
Multiple Connective tissue layers
& Schwann cell processes
around thinly myelinated axons.
Onion bulbs may contain 0, 1,
or several, axons.

Toluidine blue stains of plastic nerve sections
Onion bulbs, Large
Several layers of Basal lamina, Connective tissue & Schwann cell processess around thinly myelinated axons.

Electron micrographs: From Robert Schmidt MD
Onion Bulbs: Obsolete
Onion bulbs
Multiple layers contain: Schwann cells alternating with collagen
Associated axon is: Lost
Onion bulbs: Molecular composition

Neurofilament stain (Green) + NCAM stain (Red)
Axons in onion bulbs
Surrounded by NCAM containing Schwann cells
Schwann cells in Onion Bulbs
Contain both NCAM (Above) & P0 (Below) (Similar to
Büngner band cells)

Neurofilament stain (Green) + P0 stain (Red)
Schwann cells in Onion Bulbs
Contain both NCAM & P0 (All onion bulb cells cells costain (Below; Yellow))
Similar to
Büngner band cells
NCAM stain (Green) + P0 stain (Red)
Also see
Pseudo-onion bulbs
Schwann cells & Circumferential Axon Sprouts
Cervical Spinal Cord & Roots: Enlargement & Contrast enhancement of Anterior & Posterior (Arrow) Roots

T1 with contrast

T1 with contrast

Enlargement of Cervical Roots & Brachial plexus (Arrow)

T1 with contrast
Contrast enhanced Lumbar Roots (Arrow)

T1 with contrast
Lumbar Roots (L4-L5)

From: Sri Krishna Alapati
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Muscle Nerve 2019;59:665-670