Circumferential Schwann cell processes often surrounding Axons or Axon sprouts
- Axon Regeneration
- Pseudo-Onion Bulb Structure
- Central: Axon(s)
- Regenerated axons & Axon Sprouts: Individual or Clusters, or
- Larger myelinated axon
- Peripheral region of Pseudo-Onion Bulbs
- Layers of Schwann cell processes
- Small, Unmyelinated axons: May be surrounded by Schwann cell processes
- Other features
- Axon Loss in nerve: Often moderate to severe
- No demyelination
- Chronic Demyelination without Remyelination
- Central: Demyelinated axon
- Peripheral: Multiple concentric Schwann cell processes
Differential diagnosis

H&E stain
Whorled structures: Contain nuclei & connective tissue; Myelinated axon may be in center

VvG stain
Beaded axon sprouts extend circumferentially around central large axon

Neurofilament stain

Toluidine blue stain
Whorled structures: Central myelinated axon is present within some pseudo-onion bulbs

Toluidine blue stain

Toluidine blue stain
Pseudo-Onion Bulbs
Around regenerated axons with thin myelin sheaths
Also present in regions with no axons

Toluidine blue stain
Pseudo-Onion Bulbs
Around regenerating axon clusters

Toluidine blue stain
Pseudo-Onion bulbs: Ultrastructure
Schwann cell processes surround central axon

From: Chunyu Cai
Pseudo-Onion bulbs
Multiple Schwann cell processes surround regenerated, thinly myelinated, axons
Schwann cell processes may surround collagen
Büngner Bands
Interdigitated Schwann cell processes
Collagen Bulbs
Collagen bulbs: Unstructured; Size 10 to 80 μM
Axons: Within some collagen clusters
Myelin: Thin; Similar thickness on all axons
Number: 0 to 5
Schwann cells: Few or Scattered small processes
Schwann cell basal lamina: Few or None
Fibroblast processes: May surround collagen clusters
Clinical: Polyneuropathy
Anatomic pattern: Multifocal; Asymmetric
Motor + Sensory
Course: Slow progression
Nerve Size: Enlarged, Multifocfal
Demyelinating Features
Axon Loss: Patchy

Toluidine blue stain
Collagen Bulbs
Multiple clusters of endoneurial collagen: Some have myelinated axons inside

Toluidine blue stain

Toluidine blue stain
Collagen Bulbs
Multiple clusters of endoneurial collagen: Some have myelinated axons inside

From: Sara Stone

From: Sara Stone
Collagen Bulbs
Clusters of endoneurial collagen: Some have thinly myelinated axons inside

From: Sara Stone

From: Sara Stone
Collagen Bulbs
Thinly myelinated axons surrounded by collagen

From: Sara Stone
Collagen bulb
No associated axon
Mostly composed of collagen
Surrounded by fibroblast processes
Contains normal & large Schwann cell proceses

from: R Schmidt
Collagen Bulb
Central: Thinly myelinated axon
Mostly composed of collagen
Contains scattered Schwann cell proceses & nuclei
Surrounded by fibroblast processes

from: R Schmidt

from: R Schmidt
Collagen bulb
Collagen & Schwann cell processes around thinly myelinated axon

from: R Schmidt
Collagen Bulb
Central: Thinly myelinated axon
Mostly composed of collagen
Contains scattered Schwann cell proceses & nuclei
Surrounded by fibroblast processes

from: R Schmidt

from: R Schmidt
Collagen Bulb
Collagen & Schwann cell processes around thinly myelinated axon

from: R Schmidt
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Onion bulbs