Toluidine blue stain Many thinly myelinated large axons Small onion bulbs |
Toluidine blue stain Large axons surrounded by small onion bulbs |
Toluidine blue stain |
Toluidine blue stain Large onion bulbs |
Toluidine blue stain |
Toluidine blue stain Onion bulbs: Patchy distribution |
Toluidine blue stain Onion bulbs: Around axons with thicker myelin sheath |
Toluidine blue stain Patchy involvement within one fascicle More thinly myelinated axons in some areas |
Toluidine blue stain Region of fascicle with relatively abundant, thinly myelinated large axons |
Toluidine blue stain Region of fascicle with few large axons Smaller myelinated and unmyelinated axons predominate |
Toluidine blue stain Larger axons: Very thin myelin sheath |
Toluidine blue stain |
ATPase, pH 9.4 stain Type 1 muscle fiber predominance |