Congenital Hypomyelinating Neuropathy
4 y.o. Female: PMP-22 point mutation

H&E stain
No large myelinated axons
Some increased connective tissue space
Perineurium & Endoneurium: Normal

H&E stain

Gomori trichrome stain
No large myelinated axons
Perineurium & Endoneurium: Normal

VvG stain

Neurofilament stain
Large axons: Many
Small axons: Normal to Reduced Numbers

Neurofilament stain

Toluidine blue stain
Large axons: Thinly myelinated; Reduced numbers
BLOBs: Increased space around axons (Arrow; Below)
Fibroblasts: Scattered; Long processes

Toluidine blue stain

Toluidine blue stain
Large axons: Thinly myelinated; Reduced numbers
BLOBs: Increased space around axons
Fibroblasts (Arrows)
Long processes
Some processes around outside of BLOBs

Toluidine blue stain
BLOB Structure
Basal Lamina
Concentric thin fragments (Arrow),
Around larger axons
Collagen: Between layers of basal lamina
Schwann cell processes
Within layers of basal lamina
Center of BLOB: May immediately surround axon
Myelin: Present around some axons
Fibroblasts: Process may surround BLOB
BLOB Structure
Basal Lamina
Concentric thin fragments (Arrow),
Surround larger axons
Collagen: Between layers of basal lamina
Schwann cell processes
Within layers of basal lamina
Center of BLOB: May immediately surround axon
Myelin: Present around some axons
Fibroblasts: Process may surround BLOB (Arrow)
BLOBs: Surround Unmyelinated & Hypomyelinated Axons
6 Axons (Left to Right)
1. Far left: Small axon, part, surrounded by Schwann cell process with external basal lamina
2. Left: Small-Intermediate-sized axon surrounded by dark Schwann cell processes
3. Left-Center (
BLOB): Intermediate-sized, unmyelinated axon with surrounding layers
Inner: Schwann cell processes (Dark) directly around axon; No associated myelin
Double layers of Schwann cell Basal Lamina; Each extends partly around axon
Two very small Schwann cell processes (Left) are present within individual layers of Schwann cell basal lamina
Double basal lamina (Above)
Partially contains a Schwann cell process
Schwann cell process extends from a Schwann cell that surrounds 2 unmyelinated axons
Fibroblast process,partial (Left of Basal lamina layers)
4. & 5. Right-Center: 2 Small axons: Surrounded by Schwann cell processes
6. Right Upper: Larger axon surrounded by
Thin myelin sheath layer
BLOB: Double layers of circumferential basal lamina
BLOBs: Surround Unmyelinated Axons
Center: Intermediate-sized, unmyelinated axon with surrounding layers
Inner layer
Schwann cell processes (Dark): Directly around axon; No associated myelin
Schwann cell nucleus: Near axon
Intermediate layers
Double layers of Schwann cell Basal Lamina; Each extends partly around axon
Outer layer
Fibroblast process,partial (Left of Basal lamina layers)
Collagen particles
Center: Intermediate-sized, unmyelinated axon with surrounding layers
Inner layer
Schwann cell processes (Dark): Directly around axon; No associated myelin
Schwann cell nucleus: Near axon
Intermediate layers
Double layers of Schwann cell Basal Lamina; Each extends partly around axon
BLOBs: Basal laminal layers around Axon with Incomplete, Thin Myelin Layer
Center: Intermediate-sized axon with surrounding layers
Inner layer
Schwann cell processes (Dark): Directly around axon; Incomplete layer of associated myelin
Intermediate layers
Double layers of Schwann cell Basal Lamina; Each extends partly around axon
Schwann cell processes: Few present (Contain basal lamina)
Outer layer: May contain fibroblast processes (Right)
BLOBs: Around Axon with Thin Myelin Layer (Hypomyelination)
Center: Intermediate-sized, Hypomyelinated axon with surrounding layers
Inner layer
Myelin sheath: Thin
Schwann cell cytoplasm: Directly around part of myelin
Schwann cell nucleus: Near axon
Intermediate layers
Double layers of Schwann cell Basal Lamina; Each extends partly around axon
Outer layer
Fibroblast nucleus & processes (Above; Right)
Collagen particles
Center: Intermediate-sized, Hypomyelinated axon with surrounding layers
Inner layer
Myelin sheath: Thin
Schwann cell cytoplasm: Directly around part of myelin
Intermediate layers
Double layers of Schwann cell Basal Lamina; Each extends partly around axon
Schwann cell processes within some basal lamina
Outer layer
Collagen particles
BLOB: Basal Lamina, Double layer, around Thinly Myelinated Axon

From: R Schmidt
Unmyelinated Axons

From: R Schmidt
Individual Schwann cells surround several small axons

From: R Schmidt

From: R Schmidt
Individual Schwann cell surrounds several small axons
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