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  Adult onset
  Infantile onset
Evaluation & Management
Exacerbating factors
Home ventilation
Spirometric abnormalities
Elevated right

Respiratory involvement: Adult onset 7

Respiratory insufficiency: Infantile & Childhood

Respiratory failure: Evaluation & Management

Respiratory failure: Exacerbating factors

Obstructive Diseases Restrictive Diseases
FVC Normal or to
FEV1 to to
FEV1 /FVC to Normal or
FEF25%-75% to to

Restrictive ventilatory defects are characterized by proportional decreases in FVC and FEV1, leaving the FEV1/FVC normal or even slightly elevated. Any lesion affecting the lung, chest wall, or respiratory muscles that reduces the ability to take in a normal amount of air but does not affect the conducting airways is classified as a restrictive lung disease.

Obstructive defects are characterized by their involvement of the airways and the resultant reduction in expiratory flow. Spirometric studies of obstructive lung disease generally show a reduced FEV1, FEV1/FVC and flow rates with a relatively normal FVC. In severe obstructive lung disease, the FVC may also be reduced.

Home ventilation: Types

Pressure-limited: BiPAP Volume-limited

MYOSIN-LOSS (Acute Quadriplegic; Critical Illness) MYOPATHIES 2

Cough & Neuromuscular Disorders 6

Hoarse voice & Neuromuscular Disorders

Phrenic Neuropathy

Phrenic nerve Phrenic Nerve Disorders

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Diseasae (COPD) 8

Return to Neuropathy Index
Return to Myopathy & NMJ Index

1. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 1999;67:223-226
2. Muscle Nerve 2000;23:1785-1788, Neurology 2024;103:e209496
3. Intensive Care Medicine 2003;Online August
4. Ann Neurol 2004;55:195-206
5. Respir Care 2015 Jan 13
6. Pulm Pharmacol Ther 2015 Oct 19
7. Muscle Nerve 2017;56:881-886
8. Respir Res 2020;21:28
9. J Crit Care 2021;63:32-39
10. Thorax 2022 Apr 22
11. Muscle Nerve 2024;70:980-987
