- Angiotropic large B-cell lymphoma
(Malignant angioendotheliomatosis; Intravascular B-cell lymphoma)
- General: Proliferation of neoplastic lymphoid cells within blood vessels
- Onset: Especially 7th & 8th decade
- Neurological features
- Presenting feature in 54%
- CNS lesions: Multifocal; "Stroke-like"
- Encephalopathy: Sub-acute; Dementia; Coma
- Cortical lesions: Multi-Focal; Hemiparesis
- Myelopathy
- Transverse or Diffuse
- Clinical
- Paraparesis
- Sensory loss
- Urinary dysfunction
- Pathology: Multifocal infarction
- Deafness
- Peripheral nerve involvement: Occasional
- Mononeuritis: Sudden onset
- Mononeuritis multiplex
- Cranial nerves
- Most common: VII & Hearing loss
- Also EOM, Trigeminal
- Radiculopathy: Pain; Sensory loss; Weakness
- Organ involvement
- Eye: Visual loss; Papilledema; Retinal & Choroid vessels involved
- Skin
- Most common; Rash - Macular
- Other: Papular, Nodular, Plaquelike, or Pigmented
- Bone marrow: with More diffuse lymphoma
- Muscle
- Asymptomatic
- Intravascular
- Common
- Adrenal: Enlargement
- Renal failure
- Liver failure
- Respiratory failure
- General: Fever, Malaise
- Disease course
- Untreated patients: High mortality rate; Up to 80% at 1 year
- Treatment: May be curable with early chemotherapy (40%)
- Histopathology
- Neoplasm features
- Noncohesive masses of large, pleomorphic lymphoid cells
- Location: Capillaries, venules & small arterioles
- Neoplastic cell accumulations
- May occlude vessels
- Rarely extravasate into the neighboring tissues
- Cell features
- Nuclei
- Contours: Irregular
- Chromatin: Coarse
- Nucleoli: Two or Multiple
- Cytoplasm: Moderate amounts; Basophilic; Vacuolated
- Antigens
- Common: bcl-2 & CD-20 proteins
- Other: CD10, bcl-6 & CD5 few
- Lack homing receptors (b1 integrin; ICAM-1): May explain cells remaining intravascular
- Lymphoma cell locations
- Present in small vessels in:
Skin; Brain; Kidney; Spleen; Liver; Bone marrow; Heart; Muscle
- No mass
- Diagnosis may be made on skin, muscle or nerve biopsy
- Laboratory
- Hematologic
- Anemia: Mild; Hemolytic
- Peripheral blood: Pancytopenia with leukoerythroblastic picture
- Erythrocyte sedimentation rate: High
- Serum lactate dehydrogenase: Markedly elevated
- Coagulopathy: Occasional patients; Thrombocytopenia pancytopenia
- CSF: Normal
- LDH: Very high
- Tissue biopsy: CD20+ cells in vascular lumen and walls

B-cell Lymphoma Intravascular
Spinal cord (Thoracic) Enlarged Increased T2 signal