Lymphoma Cells: Endoneurial & Epineurial (Perivascular)

H&E stain
Cell locations
Endoneurial: Subperineurial; Internal; Perivascular
Epineurial: Perivascular

H&E stain

H&E stain
H&E stain

H&E stain

H&E stain
Neurolymphomatosis: Lymphocytes, Atypical
Locations: Subperineurial & Endoneurial
Nuclei: Large; Atypical; Nucleoli, One or more
Cytoplasm: Minimal
Mitotic activity

H&E stain

CD20 stain
Lymphocytes, neoplastic: Cell features
B-cells: CD20 stain
Proliferating: Ki67 stain

Ki67 stain

CD20 stain
Lymphocytes, neoplastic: Cell features
B-cells: CD20 stain
Proliferating: Ki67 stain

Ki67 stain

CD20 stain
Lymphocytes, neoplastic, around large vessels: Cell features
B-cells: CD20 stain
Proliferating: Ki67 stain
Ki67 stain

CD3 stain
Lymphocytes around small vessels: Cell features
T-cells: CD3 stain
Not neoplastic

CD3 stain
Axon Loss: Differential fascicular
Patchy: More in some fascicles than others
Axon loss: More in some fascicles than others
Axon loss
More in some fascicles than others
Large > Small
ATPase stain: Lost in some fascicles but not others
Axon loss, Chronic: Regions of P0 staining with no axons (Arrow)

Neurofilament (Axons) = Green & Yellow; P0 = Red
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Diagn Cytopathol 2010;38:208-212