Nemaline Rod: Muscle Pathology
- Light microscopy
- Rods best visualized with
- Gomori trichrome stain
- Toluidine blue stained plastic sections
- Phalloidin
- Dark blue structures
- Most in muscle fiber cytoplasm
- Often in regions with disrupted sarcomere structure
- Contain
- Z-line like material
- α-actinin, actin & tropomyosin ± desmin at the periphery
- Rods: Occur in
- Congenital myopathies
- TPM3: Rods, Preferentially in type 1 fibers; Type 1 fiber predominance
- ACTA1: Rods, Numerous, Most in small fibers, Cytoplasmic & Nuclear; Clusters of glycogen & actin filaments
- TNNT1: Rods, Central in muscle fibers; Type 1 fibers small
- KBTBD13: Rods, Diffusely distributed, All fibers; Type 1 fibers Predominant & Large
- KLHL40: Rods, Many small; No normal myofibers
- LMOD3: Rods Surrounded by "thin filament fringe"; Thickened Z disks
- NEB: Normal & Small size fibers; Globular in severe disease; Desmin cytoplasmic aggregates
- Patterns
- Rod anatomy
- Types of fibers
- Rod location in fibers
- Associated with Dense (desmin) cytoplasmic aggregates: NEB; TPM2
- Adult onset: SLONM
- Similar staining: Cytoplasmic bodies
- Rods & Cytoplasmic bodies: Mainly visible on Gomori trichrome & Toluidine blue
- Cytoplasmic bodies: Have a surrounding halo; Round shape; Large size
- Rods: No halo; More per each individual fiber; Higher frequency of involved fibers
- Also see: Rods or Cytoplasmic bodies in target fibers
Nemaline rod myopathy: Infantile

Gomori trichrome
Nemaline rods in gastrocnemius muscle from 4 month old child

No nemaline rods in quadriceps muscle from same child biopsied at 2 months of age
Nemaline rod myopathy, Infantile: Toluidine blue stains
Nemaline rod myopathy, Infantile: Other stains

H&E stain
Muscle fiber sizes: Varied

H&E stain

H& E stain
Muscle fiber size: Varied
Refractile rods can be seen

ATPase stain, pH 9.4
Type I muscle fiber predominance

H& E stain
Rods: Actin stain

Phalloidin staining for actin
Focal (bright green), large and small aggregates of actin are present in some muscle fibers |

Phalloidin staining for actin
Nemaline Rod Ultrastructure
Infantile-onset Rod myopathy |

From: R Schmidt
Nemaline Rods
- Electron dense
- Sizes: Length 1-7 μm; Width 0.3-2 μm
- Long axis: Parallel to muscle fiber
- Longitudinal section: Striations parallel & perpendicular to long axis
- Transverse section: Lattice structure like Z disk
- Thin filaments: In continuity with rods

From: R Schmidt

From: R Schmidt
Nemaline Rods: Mouse Model

From E Hardeman
Electron microscopy of rods from Z-lines in Met9Arg αTMslow mouse
Nemaline rod myopathy, infant (8 months of age): Type 1 muscle fiber smallness
Rods: More prominent in smaller muscle fibers

Gomori trichrome

ATPase pH 9.4
Type 1 muscle fibers: Small (Pale)

Muscle fiber sizes: Bimodal

Internal architecture of muscle fibers: Irregular
Rod Myopathy: Congenital + Arthrogryposis

H&E stain
Fiber sizes: Bimodal distribution

Gomori trichrome stain
Dark-stained: Punctate or Clustered regions, Often sub-sarcolemmal
More common in smaller muscle fibers

Gomori trichrome stain

Gomori trichrome stain

ATPase pH 9.4 stain
Fiber types
Type 1 fibers: Usually small
Type 2 fibers: Larger; Abnormal intermediate staining (2C) at ATPase pH 4.3

ATPase pH 4.3 stain

NADH stain
Rods: In clusters in muscle fibers

Toluidine blue stain

Toluidine blue stain
Nemaline rod myopathy, Childhood: 2 Different patterns
Rods: In smaller muscle fibers

GT stain

ATPase stain, pH 9.4
Type I muscle fibers: Smaller than type II
Rods: In small & large muscle fibers

GT stain
Type I predominance

ATPase stain, pH 9.4
Fiber size variation: Bimodal distribution

H&E stain
Rods: Adult nemaline myopathy
Several patterns
Rods: Larger & Aggregated

Gomori trichrome
Rods: May cluster near myonuclei (Arrow)

Gomori trichrome
Rods: Small & Diffusely distributed in some muscle fibers
Myopathic features: Varied muscle fiber size; Internal nuclei; Endomysial connective tissue increased

Gomori trichrome

Gomori trichrome

Gomori trichrome

Gomori trichrome

H&E stain
Rods: Atypical

Gomori trichrome stain
Rod-like Aggregates
Stain dark on Gomori trichrome
Near myotendinous junctions
Gomori trichrome stain

Toluidine blue stain
Rod-like Aggregates: Rod shape in fixed sections
Rod-like Aggregates (Ultrastructure)
Dark stained
Internal structure: Amorphous
Shape: Irregular; Polygonal
Halo: Contains linear structures
Rods: ACTA1 mutation (M46T)
13 yo male with Rod myopathy
No rods in muscle biopsy of same patient at
1 year old

H&E stain
Fiber Sizes
Mild variation
Mildly large
Shapes: Irregular

H&E stain

Congo red stain
Rod Myopathy (ACTA1): Myonuclei
Shapes: Irregular
Sizes: Large

Congo red stain

ATPase pH 4.3 stain
Type I muscle fiber predominance

Gomori trichrome stain
Irregular shaped clusters of dark stained material in myofiber cytoplasm

Gomori trichrome stain

Gomori trichrome stain

Phalloidin stain for Actin
Actin aggregates in Rod myopathy (Arrows)
Clustered in regions of muscle fiber cytoplasm

Phalloidin stain for Actin

Toluidine blue stain

Toluidine blue stain
Morphology: Dark-stained rod-shaped inclusions
Distribution: Clustered or scattered in myofiber cytoplasm

Toluidine blue stain

Toluidine blue stain
Dark-stained rod-shaped inclusions: Often aligned along Z-bands
Rods occuring in a subsarcolemmal cluster
Nemaline Rods
Electron dense
Sizes: Length 1-7 μm; Width 0.3-2 μm
Long axis: Parallel to muscle fiber
Longitudinal section: Striations parallel & perpendicular to long axis
Transverse sections: Lattice structure like Z disk
Thin filaments: May be in continuity with rods
Rod Myopathy: Same patient as
above at 1 year old
No rods
Type 1 muscle fibers: Small

H&E stain
Mucle fiber sizes: Varied

Gomori trichrome stain
No rods are visible on Gomori trichrome stain

Gomori trichrome stain

Congo red stain
Nuclear shapes: Irregular
Mucle fiber sizes: Varied

NADH stain

ATPase pH 9.4 stain
Type I muscle fibers: Small

ATPase pH 4.3 stain
Z-Disk: Streaming & Other disorders
Z-Disk: Streaming
- Z-Streaming Definition: Dense Z-band material extends from Z-Disk
- Into sarcomere
- May reach adjacent Z-Disk
- More common: In areas without mitochondria
- Anatomical Association: Loss of thick filaments, or of entire sarcomere
- Z-Streaming: Associations
- Other Z-line disorders
Z-disk Streaming
Crosses up to 2 sarcomeres
Z-disk Streaming
Streamed Z-band material extends from Z-band (Arrow)
Other Z-band material is aggregated/streamed at top left of image
Return to
Rod myopathies
J Neuropathol Exp Neurol 2022;81:304-307