82 year old female with rapidly progressive mononeuritis multiplex & Multi-organ failure
Rheumatoid factor = 616; ANCA-; NfL 777; C4<4; IgM M-protein; Cryoglobulins, borderline
Nerve: Occluded Artery; Focal infarction
Focal nerve infarction: Also see
Epineurial Vessel (Artery): Chronic Pathology, Occlusion
Vessel Structure
Damaged wall: Elastin layer interrupted & irregular
Lumen: Absent or Contains large cells, possibly endothelium
Abnormal staining for NCAM
Size: Large at some levels
Calcification: In some regions of vessels wall
Hemosiderin: Present in Epineurium
Epineurial connective tissue Surrounding vessel: Scattered histiocytes
Epineurial vessels, control

Gomori trichrome stain

H&E stain

VvG stain

Alkaline phosphatase stain

VvG stain

Neurofilament (Green) + NCAM (Red)

ATPase pH 4.3 stain

Neurofilament stain

Acid phosphatase stain

Acid phosphatase stain
Cryoglobulin/Rheumatoid Vasculitis: Nerve Infarction

H&E stain
Perineurium: Pale in regions
Endoneurial vessels: Large size & lumen
Epineurium: Increased numbers of small vessels (Above)
Myelin sheaths: Many are abnormally pale-stained (Below)

Gomori trichrome stain
Endoneurial Vessels: Enlarged with large lumen

Toluidine blue stain
Endoneurial vessels: Many are large (Also see below)
Histiocytes with Lipid droplets: Scattered in endoneurium
Myelin remnants (Ovoids): Scattered in endoneurium
Axon Loss
Myelinated Axons: Marked loss
Endoneurial Microvessels: Often large; Some dark stained

VvG stain
Axons, Large & Small: Nearly complete loss
Perineurium: Thick & Irregular structure

Neurofilament stain
Axon & Myelin Degeneration
Myelin sheaths: Abnormal, strong acid phosphatase stain

Acid phosphatase stain
Nerve Infarction: Schwann cell loss in focal regions
Schwann cells, Non-myelinating: Reduced in region of endoneurium

NCAM stain

Neurofilament (Green) + NCAM (Red)
Schwann cells, Non-myelinating (Red): Reduced in regions of endoneurium
Axons: Complete loss in fascicles with loss of Schwann cells

Neurofilament (Green) + NCAM (Red)
Schwann cells (Green & Yellow)
Reduced numbers in region of endoneurium (Left)
"Denervated"" type: Most co-stain for P0 & NCAM (Yellow)

NCAM (Green) + P0 (Red)
Endoneurial Damage: C5b-9 staining of Endoneurium
C5b-9 stains
Endoneurium: Cells & Connective tissue
Perineurium: Irregular structure; Thick

C5b-9 stain
Endoneurial Damage: Hemorrhage

Toluidine blue stain
Endoneurial Cells after Axon loss

From: R Schmidt
Schwann cells: With myelin & lipid debris
Mast cell
Fibroblast processes
Schwann cells
With Myelin & Lipid debris
Büngner band components

From: RSchmidt
Epineurial Damage

Alkaline phosphatase stain
Alkaline Phosphatase
Stains: Connective tissue around nerve; Epineurium

Alkaline phosphatase stain
Cryoglobulinemia/Rheumatoid Disorder: Muscle
Vessel Structure: Damaged
Perimysial vessels, control

H&E stain
Perimysial Vessels (Arteries)
Size: Very large
Wall Structure
Inner layer: Fibrinoid necrosis
Outer layer: Replaced by large, "palisaded" cells
Lumen: Large cells, possibly endothelium, adherent to inner wall

H&E stain

Gomori trichrome stain
Fibrinoid Necrosis: In central region of artery
Large cells: Replace wall structure

Congo red stain

AMPDA stain
Fibrinoid Necrosis: Inside fibril layer
Fibril layer of vessel wall: Irregular
Outer layer: Replaced by large cells

VvG stain
Perimysial vessels, control
Fibrinoid Necrosis: C
5b-9 stain

C5b-9 stain
Histiocytic Arteritis

Acid phosphatase stain
Histiocytes (Acid phosphatase stained cells)
Replace vessel wall
Nearly all cells are stained

Acid phosphatase stain
Esterase stains
Clusters of cells in vessel wall
? Early granulomatous change

Esterase stain
Arterial Smooth Muscle Layer: Incomplete & Damaged

ATPase pH 4.3 stain
Perimysial Connective Tissue: Alkaline phosphatase stain around damaged artery

Alkaline phosphatase stain
Alkaline phosphatase stains
Perimysial connective around, & extending away from, damaged artery

Alkaline phosphatase stain
Vessel Endothelium: Strong stain by NADH

NADH stain
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