Limb Muscles: Control

H&E stain
Fiber size: Mild variation
Myonuclei: Dark-stained; Normally present at periphery of muscle fibers
Endomysial connective tissue: Normal
Capillaries, Endomysial: Small, Between muscle fibers

H&E stain

Congo red stain

Gomori trichrome stain
2 fiber types: Type 1 muscle fibers have darker, more punctate cytoplasm
Connective tissue: Stains Green
Lipid membranes: Stain red

Gomori trichrome stain

VvG stain
Perimysium: Contains connective tissue with irregular fibrils & intermediate-sized vessels
Muscle fibers: Mildly varied size; Peripheral nuclei
Endomysial capillaries: Between muscle fibers; Often contain nucleated endothelial cells

VvG stain
Internal architecture

NADH stain
Normal Intermyofibrillar Network
Stained structures: Sarcoplasmic reticulum; Mitochondria
Type 1 muscle fibers: Darker stained
Subsarcolemmal staining
Increased in regions of some muscle fibers
Reflects neighboring endomysial capillaries

NADH stain
Fiber Types
ATPase pH 9.4

ATPase pH 9.4 stain
Type 1 fibers: Intermediate color
Type 2 fibers: Dark color
ATPase pH 4.6

ATPase pH 4.6 stain
Type 1 fibers: Dark color
Type 2A fibers: Pale
Type 2B fibers: Intermediate color

ATPase pH 4.6 stain
ATPase pH 4.3

ATPase pH 4.3 stain
Type 1 fibers: Dark color
Type 2A fibers: Pale
Type 2C fibers (Immature; Abnormal) (Below): Intermediate color

ATPase pH 4.3 stain
ATPase may also stain endomysial capillaries

ATPase pH 4.3 stain
Muscle Fiber Types: Ultrastructure
Muscle Fiber Types: 1 (Right); 2 (Left)
Z-lines (Dark arrow): Thicker
Mitochondria (Light arrow): More
Lipid bodies: More
Glycogen granules: Fewer
NOTES: Image below also shows
2 atrophic muscle fibers in the center
Alkaline phosphatase stain

Alkaline phosphatase stain
Endomysial vessels
Some penetrating vessels, more in a few areas than others, stain for alkaline phosphatase
Small endomysial capillaries do not normally show staining

Alkaline phosphatase stain
Acid phosphatase stain
Red, subsarcolemmal staining of regions with lipofuscin: More with increasing age

Acid phosphatase stain
Esterase stain

Esterase stain
Neuromuscular junctions: Dark red regions on muscle fiber surface, normally contain 1 or 2 segments

Esterase stain
Mitochondrial Stains
Cytochrome Oxidase (COX)

COX stain
Fiber types
Type 1: Dark
Type 2: Intermediate or Pale
Staining pattern: Punctate
Mitochondrial disease
Dark staining: Due to mitochondrial proliferation, or
Pale staining: Due to reduced COX synthesis

COX stain
Succinate Dehydrogenase (SDH)

SDH stain
Fiber types
Type 1: Dark
Type 2: Intermediate or Pale
Staining pattern: Reticular & Punctate
Mitochondrial disease: Dark staining due to mitochondrial proliferation

SDH stain
Mitochondrial Disorders
COX negative muscle fibers stain blue

COX + SDH stain
Lipid stain: Sudan Black

Sudan Black stain
Fiber types: Type 1 fibers stain darker than type 2
Myelin: In intramuscular nerves stains dark

Sudan Black stain
Glycogen stain: PAS

PAS stain
Fiber types: Type 2 fibers stain darker than type 1
Capillary basal lamina: Stains dark

PAS stain
Normal Muscle: Transverse section
A band: Thick filaments surrounded by thin filaments
Scattered mitochondria between fibrils
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