
Hereditary Neuropathy with Liability to Pressure Palsies (HNPP)

Myelin patterns
Tomaculae: Teased axons
Ultrastructure: 1; 2

HNPP Nerve: Frozen sections

Axon Loss: Reduced numbers of myelinated axons

Gomori trichrome stain

VvG stain

HNPP Nerve: Fixed

Toluidine blue stain
Reduced numbers of large axons
Abnormal myelination of axons includes
  Abnormally folded (Tomaculae) or shaped myelin sheaths
Small onion bulbs are also present (Below; Arrow)

Toluidine blue stain

Toluidine blue stain

Toluidine blue stain

Thickened myelin sheath due to multiple layers of folded myelin

Folding of myelin sheath
  Outside axon or invaginating into axon

Myelin sheath: Thick & Folded
Schwann cell nucleus: Peripheral

Two axons with tomaculae
One thinly myelinated large axon

HNPP: Axons & Myelin components

Most myelinated axons are small
Compare to Normal nerve
  Myelinated axons are large & small

Neurofilament stain (Green)
P0 stain (Red)

Neurofilament stain (Green)
Myelin basic protein stain (Red)
HNPP: MBP is in myelin sheaths around small axons
Compare to Normal nerve
  MBP is only in sheaths around large axons

HNPP: MBP is in most myelin sheaths
Compare to Normal nerve
  MBP is only in sheaths around large axons
  P0 is in myelin sheaths around small & large axons

P0 stain (Green)
Myelin basic protein stain (Red)

Neurofilament (SMI31) stain
Axon Loss
  Reduced numbers of large axons
  Relative preservation of numbers of small axon

HNPP: Muscle

Gomori trichrome stain
Mild atrophy

H& E stain
Occasional: Grouped atrophy & Pyknotic nuclear clumps

ATPase pH 9.$ stain
Fiber type grouping

ATPase pH 4.3 stain
Fiber type grouping; Rare Type 2C muscle fiber

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  Tomaculae: Ultrastructure
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