HIV: Arteritis
Arteritis during HIV
Toluidine blue stain
Congo red
H&E stain
Artery (Above, White arrow): Occluded; Wall damaged; Histiocytic cells (Below; White Arrow)
Endoneurium: Pale regions (Above, Black arrow); Moderately prominent microvessels; Histiocytes, scattered (Below; Black Arrow)
Acid phosphatase
Epineurial Artery
Increased cells in most of wall
Lumen: Occluded
H&E stain
Deposits in epineurium (Arrow)
H&E stain
Neovascularization: Within lumen of Occluded artery
VvG stain
Epineurial Artery (Serial sections)
Fibril layer: Irregular (Arrow)
Lumen: Occluded
Connective tissue around artery: Damaged in some areas (Below)
VvG stain
Toluidine blue stain
Epineurial Artery
Connective tissue around artery: Damaged in some areas; Irregular structure
Alkaline phosphatase stain
Epineurial Artery
Neovascularization: New vessels within larger vessel stained with alkaline phosphatase
Toluidine blue stain
Epineurial connective tissue: Neovascularization & Fragmentation
Toluidine blue stain
Toluidine blue stain
Epineurial connective tissue: Fragmentation
Gomori trichrome
Congo red
Congo red
Occluded Artery
No lumen
Histiocytes within vessel wall: In patchy regions & Scattered
Lymphocytes: Not prominent
Acid phosphatase
Acid phosphatase
Artery: Abnormal
Many cells all through wall
Toluidine blue stain
Wallerian Degeneration: Myelinated Axon loss, Later stages
Myelinated axons: Severe loss
Remaining myelin fragments: Reduced staining (Arrows)
Gomori trichrome stain
Gomori trichrome stain
Axon loss: Later stages
Myelinated axons: Severe loss
Myelin remnants: Minimal staining on Gomori trichrome & VvG (Arrows)
VvG stain
Axon loss
Myelinated axons: Severe loss
Toluidine blue stain
Acid phosphatase stain
Axon loss: Later stages of Wallerian degeneration
Histiocytic cells scattered in endomysium (Above)
Probable histiocytic cells around an endoneurial microvessel (Below; Arrow)
Congo red stain
Complement C5b-9 stain
Wallerian degeneration: Present in endomysium
Endomysial microvessels: Mild staining
C5b-9 stain
HIV: Inflammatory Vasculopathy, Small Epineurial Vessels (Venitis in muscle)
H&E stain
Epineurial Vessels: Inflammatory Vasculopathy
Lymphocytes: Present around & within walls of small epineurial vessels
Epineurial connective tissue:
Myelinated axons:
Wallerian Degeneration
VvG stain
Epineurial connective tissue: MHC I
Increased staining
Epineurial Perivascular cells: MHC I
Increased staining
MHC I stain
H&E stain
HIV: Inflammatory vasculopathy
Inflammation: Surrounds small epineurial vessels
Cells around epineurial small vessels
Epineurial connective tissue
Wallerian Degeneration of Myelinated Axons: Common
MHC I stain
Small Vessel Inflammatory Vasculopathy: Epineurial Neovascularization
ATPase pH 4.3 stain
New vessels
Small; Multiple
Stained by:
Alkaline phosphatase
Associated connective tissue:
Pale; Fragmented;
Cellular, including histiocytes
VvG stain
H&E stain
Neovascularization: Epineurial
VvG stain
Gomori trichrome stain
Neovascularization: Epineurial
Gomori trichrome stain
Acid phosphatase stain
Often present in epineurial connective tissue & around vessels in regions of neovascularization
Acid phosphatase stain
Endothelium in new Epineurial vessels stains with Alkaline phosphatase
Alkaline phosphatase stain
ATPase pH 4.3 stain
Endothelium in new Epineurial vessels stains with ATPase
ATPase pH 4.3 stain
ATPase pH 4.3 stain
MHC I positive cells & epineurium
MHC I stain
Wallerian Degeneration: Early, Active & Acute
Gomori trichrome stain
Wallerian Degeneration
Myelin: Irregular structure or Pale stain
Gomori trichrome stain
Gomori trichrome stain
Wallerian Degeneration
Myelin: Irregular structure
VvG stain
Wallerian Degeneration (Early)
Histiocytes: Scattered in endoneurium
Acid phosphatase stain
Wallerian Degeneration (Early)
NCAM: Mild staining of myelin
NCAM stain
Wallerian Degeneration (Early)
Neurofilament staining of myelinated axons: Lost or fragmented
Neurofilament staining of unmyelinaterd axons: Relatively preserved
Neurofilament stain
Toluidine blue stain
Wallerian Degeneration (Early)
Myelin structure: Irregular
Large myelin fragments: Present in cytoplasm of large "Degradative" Schwann cells
Toluidine blue stain
Toluidine blue stain
Wallerian Degeneration (Early)
Myelin structure: Irregular
Large myelin fragments: Present in cytoplasm of large "Phagocytic" Schwammm cells
Toluidine blue stain
Toluidine blue stain
Wallerian Degeneration (Early)
Myelin structure: Irregular
Large myelin fragments: Present in cytoplasm of large "Phagocytic" Schwammm cells
Toluidine blue stain
Neurofilament (Green) + MBP (Red)
Wallerian Degeneration (Early)
Neurofilament staining of myelinated axons
Lost or fragmented
MBP & P0 stained myelin have no associated axons
Neurofilament staining of unmyelinaterd axons: Relatively preserved
Neurofilament (Green) + P0 (Red)
Neurofilament (Green) + NCAM (Red)
Wallerian Degeneration (Early)
Neurofilament staining of myelinated axons
Lost or fragmented
Neurofilament staining of unmyelinaterd axons
Some Loss: Empty (red) non-myeliating Schwann cells
Myelin in Peripheral Nerve: 2 types
Small myelin sheaths (Green): Contain only P0
Large myelin sheaths (Yellow): Contain both P0 & MBP
P0 (Green) + MBP (Red)
Wallerian Degeneration
Endothelial cells in Endoneurial microvessels: Often large
H&E stain
H&E stain
Wallerian Degeneration
Endothelial cells in Endoneurial microvessels: Often large
H&E stain
HIV: Inflammatory Veinopathy
Same patient as: Small Vessel Inflammatory Neuropathy
VvG stain
Perimysial Veins
Outer fibril layer: Damaged & Incomplete
Inner layers: Pale & Cellular
VvG stain
VvG stain
Perimysial Veins
Outer fibril layer: Damaged & Incomplete
Inflammatory cells: Present around outside of vein
Inner layers: Pale & Cellular
Perimysial Artery: Normal
VvG stain
Perimysial Veins
Histiocytic Inflammatory cells: Present around periphery of vein
Acid phosphatase stain
Perimysial Veins
Inflammatory cells: Present around periphery of vein & In perimysium
Congo red stain
Gomori trichrome stain
Perimysial Cell Foci
Contain scattered esterase-positive histiocytes (Below)
Esterase stain
H&E stain
HIV-Vasculitis: Muscle fiber involvement
Morphology: Mostly normla
H&E stain
MHC I stain
HIV-Vasculitis: Muscle fiber involvement
MHC I: Upregulated on muscle fiber surfaces
MHC I stain
HIV-Vasculitis: Capillaries
Sizes: Midly large
Numbers: Normal or Mildly increased
UEA I stain
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