Amyloid myopathy
- Amyloid (Red): Locations
- Extracellular
- Tissues
- Muscle fibers: Around surface
- Perimysium
- Vessel walls
- Amyloid properties: Apple green birefringence of amyloid
- Amyloid Components
- Hereditary
- Apolipoprotein A1, Apolipoprotein A4, Apolipoprotein E, Serum amyloid P component
- No Anoctamin-5 or Dysferlin
- Acquired: Amyloidogenic proteins (AL & SSA)
- Amyloid in IM-VAMP (IBM)
Congo red
Congo red (Polarized light) |
Congo red (Fluorescence) |
Amyloid Muscle Fibers
Amyloid surrounding, and on, muscle fibers
- Mild pathology (Above): Thin layer of amyloid around normal sized muscle fiber
- More severe changes (Below)
- Thick deposit of amyloid around, and on, small muscle fibers
- Nuclei and NADH-positive membranes are present in regions of amyloid deposits
- Myofibrillar contractile apparatus (ATPase staining) is absent from areas of amyloid deposition but present in the center of fibers
Congo red
Congo red (Polarized light) |
Congo red (Fluorescence) |
Muscle fiber pathology in amyloid myopathy
- Abnormal nuclei: In ring within muscle fibers
- Irregular deposits of amyloid: On muscle fibers outside nuclear ring
Congo red
Congo red stain
Congo red stain |
Congo red stain (Polarized light)
Congo red, polarized light
Congo red
Amyloid Fibers
Muscle fiber pathology in amyloidosis
H&E stain
H&E stain
Gomori trichrome
Congo red
Amyloid Fibers
Congo red
Congo red: Fluorescence
Amyloid Fibers
ATPase pH 9.4
ATPase pH 9.4
Surface membrane (Above) & Basal lamina (Below): Thickened & reduplicated around muscle fibers
IgAκ M-protein: Amyloid
Congo red
Amyloid deposits in perimysium and along the perimysial surface of muscle fibers
Congo red
IgGλ M-protein: Amyloid
Congo red
Congo red
Congo red
Congo red
NERVE: Amyloid
Patterns of axon loss
Amyloid deposition in nerve may be
Amyloid: Distribution
- Organs: Many
- Vessels: Common
- More abundant in large nerves
Severe Axon Loss
Marked axon loss
Small axons are even more involved than large axons
See: Control nerve
Neurofilament stain
Neurofilament stain
Moderate axon loss
Differential fascicular loss: More axon loss in some areas than others
Neurofilament stain
Moderate axon loss
VvG stain
More loss of small axons, than larger myelinated axons
Neurofilament stain
Large axons: Moderate loss
Small axons: Severe loss
Neurofilament stain
NCAM stain
Non-myelinating Schwann cells
Normal or Increased Numbers
NCAM stain
Toluidine blue stain
Moderate axon loss
More loss of small, than large, myelinated axons
Subperineurial edema in some fascicles
Toluidine blue stain
Toluidine blue stain
Toluidine blue stain
Amyloid Deposition
Relative preservation of larger myelinated axons
Amyloid Deposition
Capillary walls: Thick
Sub-Perineurial edema
H&E stain
Congo red stain
Capillary walls
Contain red-stained amyloid
Amyloid is birefringent
Congo red stain
Endoneurial amyloid, Multifocal, often near endoneurial vessels (Arrow)
Congo red stain
Congo red stain |
Amyloid: Amorphous deposits surround endoneurial microvessels
Congo red stain
Toluidine blue stain
Amyloid: Amorphous deposits around endoneurial microvessels
Toluidine blue stain
Endoneurial amyloid, Diffuse
Congo red stain |
Congo red stain |
Toluidine blue stain |
Amyloid: Amorphous deposits in endoneurium
Toluidine blue stain |
Congo red stain |
Moderate sized vessels: Amyloid
Vessels in Perimysium & Epineurium: May have amyloid deposits
Congo red stain
Congo red stain (± Polarized light)
Congo red stain (Polarized light)
Amyloid in vessel walls
Birefrengence ± Polarization
Amyloid in vessel wall
Apple green
with polarized light.
Amyloid: Artery
Congo red stain |
Amyloid: Vein + Perimysium
Congo red stain |
Amyloid: Fibrils
From: J Karamchandani |
H&E stain |
Amyloid: Amorphous clusters in endoneurium
H&E stain |
H&E stain |
Amyloid: Amorphous, rounded clusters in endoneurium
Gomori trichrome stain |
VvG stain |
Toluidine blue stain |
Amorphous, rounded clusters in endoneurium
Amyloid surrounded by pale cell-free regions
Toluidine blue stain |
Congo red stain |
Amorphous, rounded clusters in endoneurium
Perineurial deposition, scattered
Congo red stain |
Surrounds endoneurial microvessel
Congo red stain |
Amyloid (TTR Val30Met): Muscle
H& E stain |
Chronic denervation & Reinnervation, Progressive
Grouped atrophy
Larger muscle fibers are hypertrophied
VvG stain |
ATPase pH 9.4 stain |
Chronic denervation & Reinnervation, Progressive
Fiber type grouping
ATPase pH 4.3 stain |
ATPase pH 4.3 stain |
Chronic denervation & Reinnervation, Progressive
Muscle fibers in region of grouped atrophy
Varied degrees of immaturity (Type 2C)
Esterase positive cytoplasm
Esterase stain |
Congo red stain |
Amyloid deposits
Most prominent in smaller perimysial vessels
Congo red stain |
Amyloid (TTR Thr60Ala): Muscle
H&E stain |
Congo red stain |
Amyloid deposits
Most prominent in connective tisue & around muscle fibers
Congo red stain |
Congo red stain |
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