LGMD 2L (R12): Anoctamin 5 mutations

H&E stain
ANO5 myopathy
Fiber sizes: Varied
Clusters of small fibers

ATPase pH 9.4 stain

ATPase pH 4.3 stain
ANO5 myopathy
Many immature type 2C muscle fibers

H&E stain
ANO5 myopathy
Fiber sizes
Varied; Clusters of small fibers
Necrosis & Regeneration

H&E stain
ANO5 myopathy
Fiber size: Varied; Hypertrophy; Nuclear clumps
ANO5: Chronic

H&E stain
ANO5 myopathy
Fiber size: Varied
Endomysial connective tissue: Increased
Perimysium: Replaced by fat

Congo red stain

Gomori trichrome stain
ANO5 myopathy
Fiber size: Varied
Endomysial connective tissue: Increased

H&E stain

AMPDA stain
ANO5 myopathy
Fiber size: Varied
Internal architecture: Irregular
ANO5: Necrosis

H&E stain
ANO5 myopathy
Fiber size: Varied
Necrosis & Regeneration

H&E stain

H&E stain
ANO5 myopathy
Early necrosis
Muscle fiber cytoplasm: Pale
Fibers invaded by few histiocytes

H&E stain

H&E stain
ANO5 myopathy
Muscle fibers: Replaced by histiocytic cells

Acid phosphatase stain
ANO5: Regeneration

Congo red stain
ANO5 myopathy
Regenerating Muscle fibers
Basophilic cytoplasm
Large nu;clei

Congo red stain

Gomori trichrome stain
ANO5: Partial fusion of muscle fibers (Splitting; Branching)

H&E stain
ANO5 myopathy
Partially fused muscle fibers: Split across part of fiber

VvG stain

NADH stain
ANO5 myopathy
Partially fused muscle fibers: Split across part of fiber

PAS stain
ANO5: Amyloid

Congo red stain
ANO5 myopathy
Amyloid: Birefringent; Deposited in vessel wall
ANO5: Blebs & Vacuoles

NADH stain
ANO5 myopathy
Subsarcolemmal blebs

VvG stain
ANO5 myopathy
Cytoplasmic vacuoles

VvG stain

Esterase stain
ANO5: Aggregates & Abnormal internal architecture

Gomori trichrome stain
ANO5 myopathy
Fibers with clustered, irregular internal architecture

Congo red stain

VvG stain
ANO5 myopathy
Fibers with clustered, irregular internal architecture

NADH stain

NADH stain

SDH stain
ANO5 myopathy
Fibers with cytoplasmic aggregates

Caveolin-3 stain
ANO5 mutations: Muscle fiber & Basal lamina Pathlogy
Basal lamina (Wide Black Arrow)
Irregular, wavy configuration
Sarcolemma beneath basal lamina: Interrupted
Muscle fiber under basal lamina: Sarcoplasm structure is disrupted; Dark, rod-like aggregates are present
Basal lamina, 2nd region (Blue arrow)
No muscle fiber cytoplasm underneath irregular region of basal lamina
Outside basal lamina: Connective tissue increased

From: R Schmidt

From: R Schmidt
ANO5: Aggregates in muscle fibers

From: R Schmidt

From: R Schmidt
ANO5: Surface membrane & Basal lamina irregularities
Similar to:

From: R Schmidt
ANO5: Surface membrane & Basal lamina irregularities

From: R Schmidt
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