Sarcoidosis: Muscle
Sarcoidosis: Early images of nodular sarcoid involving muscle (Sundelin 1925)

Sundelin 1

Resolving Granuloma
Sarcoidosis: Patterns of sarcoid involving muscle
Immune myopathies with Perimysial connective tissue pathology (IMPP) & Granulomas

H&E stain
Granuloma in Perimysium
Muscle fibers: Scattered small fibers in areas remote from granuloma
Perimysium: Fragmented structure
Myopathy: Multiple focal regions with
Small muscle Fibers
Increased endomysial connective tissue
Inflammation: Small cluster of cells, possibly replacing a muscle fiber

H&E stain
Histiocytic inflammation
Clusters of histiocytes
In granulomas
Associated with necrotic muscle fibers
Scattered histiocytes: in perimysial connective tissue

Acid phosphatase stain

Congo red stain
Chronic Sarcoid myopathy
Perimysium & Endomysium: Replaced by Fat
Granulomas with giant cells in endomysium or perimysium

Congo red stain

H&E stain
Granuloma in Perimysium

H&E stain
Granulomas in Endomysium
Large cells & multinucleated cells in central regions
Smaller cells (Lymphocytes) in peripheral regions
Small muscle fibers often neighbor granuloma in some areas

Congo red stain

VvG stain
Small muscle fibers in periphery of granuloma

Acid phosphatase stain
Acid phosphatase (Above) stains
Around nuclei of individual histiocytes
Diffusely in Cytoplasm of giant cell
Esterase (Below) stains
Cells within granuloma in confluent pattern

Esterase stain
Cells in granuloma have abundant mitochondria

SDH stain
Cells in granuloma stain strongly for histiocyte marker CD68
Activated histiocytes (CD68+) are also scattered in endomysium, possibly near capillaries

CD68 stain
Sarcoid: Small Granulomas

H&E stain
Granulomas (Early)
Histiocytes replace muscle fibers & remain in place

Congo red stain

VvG stain
Sarcoidosis, Chronic: Muscle fiber pathology

VvG stain
Sarcoidosis: Muscle fiber pathology
Immune cells surround muscle fibers (Above)
Muscle fiber damage: Muscle fibers focally invade & progressively replace muscle fibers (Below; Arrow)

Gomori trichrome stain

H&E stain
Sarcoidosis: Muscle fiber pathology
Muscle fiber damage: Muscle fibers focally invade & replace muscle fibers

H&E stain
Many Cells replacing muscle fibers are histiocytes (CD68+)

CD68 stain
Sarcoidosis: Muscle fiber pathology
Muscle fiber damage: Fragments of muscle fibers (Arrow) remain in some areas of a granuloma

H&E stain
Sarcoidosis: Resolving granulomas

H&E stain
Granulomas, Resolving
Granulomas may resolve leaving focal regions (Arrow) with
Increased, or damaged, connective tissue
Cells, Some
Small muscle fibers

H&E stain

Congo red stain
Resolved Granulomas with focal regions of
Cellular connective tissue
Small muscle fibers

VvG stain

H&E stain

H&E stain
Multinucleated, Large cells: In regions of resolved granulomas

H&E stain

VvG stain
Perimysial Pathology: Perimysial connective tissue
Structure: Fragmented
Contents: Scattered histiocytes

VvG stain

H&E stain
Perimysial Pathology: Perimysial connective tissue
Structure: Fragmented
Contents: Scattered histiocytes

H&E stain

Acid phosphatase stain
Perimysial Connective Tissue
Contains scattered histiocytes (Acid phosphatase + (Red)) in areas with normal & fragmented structure

Acid phosphatase stain

Esterase stain
Perimysial Connective Tissue
Contains scattered histiocytes (Esterase + (Red)) in areas with normal & fragmented structure

Esterase stain
Perimysial Connective Tissue
Regions in some patients have abnormal alkaline phosphatase staining

Alkaline phosphatase stain
Sarcoid muscle: Immune features
C5b-9 deposition: Endomysial & Perimysial connective tissue

C5b-9 stain
MHC Class I upregulation by muscle fibers

MHC Class I stain

MHC Class I stain
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