Glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD)
Purkinje cell

Anti-Hu (ANNA-1) antibodies: Human cerebellum
IgG staining of neuronal nuclei
   in granule & Purkinje cells.
Nucleoli are unstained.
Non-neuronal nuclei are not stained.

Anti-Yo antibodies: Human cerebellum
IgG staining of Purkinje cell cytoplasm
Staining is granular, probably in Golgi
Nuclei are not stained.

Anti-Purkinje Cell antibodies: Human cerebellum
IgG staining of Purkinje cell cytoplasm
Staining is uniform.
Nucleus is not stained.
From a patient with Stiff leg syndrome

Anti-GAD antibodies: Human cerebellum
Staining of GABAergic terminals around
Purkinje cells in human cerebellum

From: F Graus

Anti-Tr antibodies: Human cerebellum

Staining of Purkinje cells
Pattern is finer than with anti-Yo antibodies

From: F Graus

Anti-Tr antibodies: Rat cerebellum

Staining of Purkinje cells
Punctate pattern of staining in molecular layer (Top)

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