Alcohol (Ethanol) myotoxicity: Acute Myopathy

H&E stain
Necrotic Muscle Fibers
Distribution: Scattered
Pale staining: H&E,
Gomori trichrome & NADH
Contrast to:
Dark H&E stain of fibers in rhabdomyolysis with Phosphorylase deficiency
Dark staining of cytoplasm:

NADH stain

C5b-9 stain

H&E stain
Necrotic Muscle Fibers
Pale: Cytoplasm staining
Gomori trichrome
ATPase pH 4.3
Dark: Cytoplasm staining
Invasion of necrotic muscle fibers:
Acid phosphatase
Endomysial & Phagocytic (MHC-I stain)

Gomori Trichrome stain
Necrotic Muscle fibers: Pale staining on Gomori trichrome

NADH stain
Necrotic Muscle Fibers: Cytoplasm
Pale stained by NADH

Acid phosphatase stain

ATPase pH 4.3 stain
Lipid droplets
Small sizes
Present in type I & II muscle fibers

Sudan Black stain

C5b-9 stain
MHC Class I
Stains histiocytes scattered in endomysium & invading muscle fibers
No upregulation by muscle fibers

MHC Class I stain
Acute Alcohol Myopathy: Necrotic Muscle Fibers

H&E stain
Necrotic Muscle Fibers
Pale: Cytoplasm staining
H&E: Pale Cytoplasm & Myonuclei
Gomori trichrome
ATPase pH 4.3
Regional Δ
Dark: Cytoplasm staining
Cytoplasm: Other
Lipid droplets: Small
Misoriented myofibrils
Histiocyte invasion
Histiocyte invasion
Invasion of necrotic muscle fibers: Acid phosphatase
Locations: Endomysial & Phagocytic (MHC-I stain)

Gomori trichrome stain

NADH stain

Acid phosphatase stain

Gomori trichrome stain

H&E stain
Necrotic muscle fibers
Regional cytoplasmic palor

H&E stain

Gomori trichrome stain

NADH stain

H&E stain
Necrotic Muscle Fibers: Early invasion by histiocytes

Gomori trichrome stain
Necrotic muscle fibers: Invading histiocytes often stain for NADH

NADH stain
Necrotic Muslce Fibers: Surrounded by Alkaline Phosphatase staining

Alkaline phosphatase stain
Necrosis: Muscle fiber completely replaced by histiocytes

H&E stain
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