Inclusion Body Myopathy with Dementia & Paget disease of Bone
Scapular winging in patient with IBM + Paget's
Distal weakness (Severe) in patient with IBM + Paget's
- Weakness of finger extension: Patchy
- Foot drop: Myopathic, without anterior leg atrophy
Muscle Pathology: Inclusion Body Myopathy with Dementia & Paget disease (MSP1)

H&E stain
VCP pathology: Features
Muscle fibers
Atrophy: Often in clusters
Nuclei: Internal
Vacuoles: Irregular shapes; May contain granular debris
Endomysial connective tissue: Mildly increased

H&E stain

H&E stain
Grouped atrophy: Myopathic
- Muscle fibers
- Varied size
- Small fibers
- Rounded or Elongated
- Grouped
- May contain vacuoles
- Endomysial connective tissue

H&E stain
Fiber sizes: Varied
Small fibers
Shapes: Round or Angular
Cytoplasm: Mildly basophilic
Myonuclei: Large

H&E stain
Fiber Type Features

ATPase pH 9.4 stain
Type 1 muscle fiber predominance
Small & Large fibers are both types
No fiber type grouping.

ATPase pH 4.3 stain

ATPase pH 4.3 stain
Type 1 muscle fiber predominance
Scattered type 2C (Intermediate-staining) muscle fibers
Shapes: Irregular
Contents: Granular debris

H&E stain

H&E stain

H&E stain

Gomori trichrome stain

Gomori trichrome stain
Cytoplasmic bodies (Below, Arrow)

Gomori trichrome stain
VCP Myopathy: Vacuoles

VvG stain
Contain: Fragmented debris
Irregular, dark-stained regions of sarcoplasm

VvG stain
Contain: Fragmented debris
Irregular, dark-stained regions of sarcoplasm

VvG stain
VCP Myopathy: Vacuoles

Congo red stain
Contain: Fragmented debris
Shapes: Irregular
Sizes: Varied; Small or Most of fiber area
Number: One, or several, in individual muscle fibers

Congo red stain

Congo red stain
Contain: Fragmented debris
Shapes: Irregular
Sizes: Varied; Small or Most of fiber area
Number: One, or several, in individual muscle fibers
Shapes: Irregular
Contents & Neighboring areas
Debris: Granular, Basophilic
Myonuclei in vacuolar fibers
Size: Large
Mildly pale staining

Congo red stain

Congo red stain

NADH stain
Internal architecture
Small fibers: Stain dark
Vacuoles: Pale staining

NADH stain

Acid phosphatase stain
Acid phosphatase: May stain regions of vacuoles & aggregates

AMPDA stain
Aggregates: AMPDA +
Present in cytoplasm, at edge of vacuoles & within vacuoles

AMPDA stain

AMPDA stain
Aggregates: AMPDA +
Present in cytoplasm, at edge of vacuoles & within vacuoles

AMPDA stain
VCP stained inclusions
Normal & Mutant p97/VCP in vitro: Distribution of VCP & Ubiquitinated proteins
- Normal VCP in cells (Top)
- VCP staining: Diffusely distributed in cytoplasm
- Ubiquitinated proteins (FK2 staining): Present in small clusters in cytoplasm
- Mutant VCP in cells (Bottom)
- VCP staining: Aggregates in cytoplasm
- Ubiquitinated proteins (FK2 staining): Present in aggregates in cytoplasm
- VCP & Ubiquitinated proteins: May or not be present in same aggregates
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IBM with Paget's & Dementia
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