IM-VAMP during HIV
Fiber size: Varied
Small muscle fibers: Angular or Round

H&E stain

H&E stain
IM-VAMP during HIV: Myopathy + Capillary pathology
Muscle fibers
Size: Varied
Small muscle fibers: Angular or Round
Internal nuclei
Immaturity in some fibers: Cytoplasm basophilic; Nuclei large
Endomysial connective tissue: Increased
Endomysial capillaries: Large

H&E stain

Gomori trichrome stain
IM-VAMP during HIV
Internal architecture: Coarse in many muscle fibers

NADH stain

Congo red stain
IM-VAMP during HIV
Inflammation: Endomysial

H&E stain

H&E stain
IM-VAMP during HIV
Focal invasion of muscle fibers

Congo red stain

Congo red stain
IM-VAMP during HIV
Focal invasion of muscle fibers

Acid phosphatase stain

CD4 stain
IM-VAMP during HIV
Inflammation, endomysial
Composed of CD4 & CD8 lymphocytes

CD8 stain

CD8 stain
IM-VAMP during HIV
MHC Class I upregulation on surface of muscle fibers
MHC Class I is also upregulatied in the cytoplasm of some muscle fibers
Endomysial lymphocytes also express MHC Class I

MHC Class I stain

H&E stain
IM-VAMP during HIV
Irregular vacuoles in some muscle fibers
Some vacuoles have reddish border on Gomori trichrome stain

Gomori trichrome stain
IM-VAMP during HIV: Aggregates
Cytoplasmic bodies in muscle fibers

Gomori trichrome stain
IM-VAMP during HIV
AMPDA aggregates in some muscle fibers

AMPDA stain
IM-VAMP during HIV
LC3 aggregates in some muscle fibers

LC3 stain
IM-VAMP during HIV: Mitochondrial pathology

Succinate Dehydrogenase (SDH) stain
SDH-positive muscle fibers: Scattered

Succinate Dehydrogenase (SDH) stain
COX negative muscle fibers: Scattered

Cytochrome oxidase (COX) stain
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