Hydroxychloroquine Myopathy
Hydroxychloroquine Myopathy
Scattered muscle fibers with: Vacuoles; Aggregates; Basophilic cytoplasm; Small size

H&E stain

H&E stain
Muscle fibers
May be internally clear, or contain basophilic aggregatesd material
May be
Acid phosphatase positive
May contain:
Lipofuscin-like granules;
Granular material
Internal nuclei
LAMP2 granules

H&E stain

H&E stain
Muscle fibers

H&E stain
Muscle fibers
3 small muscle fibers with vacuoles & red staining of cytoplasm.
Fiber sizes: Intermediate to Very small
Borders: Irregular
May contain: Aggregates; Clustered & lipofuscin-like material

Gomori Trichrome stain

VvG stain
Muscle fibers
Vacuoles: Gray-Black rims & Aggregates

VvG stain
Lipofuscin-like material: In vacuoles & cytoplasm

Congo red stain

Congo red stain
Muscle fibers
Vacuoles: Contain lipofuscin-like material

Congo red stain

Esterase stain
Muscle fibers
Vacuoles: Contain lipofuscin-like material

Esterase stain
Lysosomal material in muscle fibers: Acid phosphatase & LAMP-2 staining

Acid phosphatase stain

Acid phosphatase stain

Acid phosphatase stain

Acid phosphatase stain
Acid phosphatase+ Regions
Location: Present in vacuoles & cytoplasm

Acid phosphatase stain
LAMP-2 stained organelles

LAMP2 stain
Aggregates in muscle fibers

Toluidine blue stain
Hydroxychloroquine Myopathy: Ultrastructure
Aggregates: Contain Heterogeneous Material
Membrane-bound vacuoles
Curvilinear bodies
Degradation products
Lipid & Lipofuscin structures
Membranous whorls

From: R Schmidt
Curvilinear bodies (Arrow)
Lysosome-derived cytoplasmic inclusions
Also occur in
ceroid lipofuscinosis

From: J Chen
Curvilinear bodies & Complex lipid structures with globular elements

From: J Chen

From: R Schmidt

From: R Schmidt
Complex Lipid Structures

From: R Schmidt

From: R Schmidt
Autophagic Degradation Products

From: J Chen
Membranous Whorls

From: J Chen

From: R Schmidt
Membrane-bound vacuoles
? Lysosomal

From: R Schmidt

From: R Schmidt
Vacuoles: Surrounded by Mitochondria

From: R Schmidt
Hydroxychloroquine Myopathy: Mitochondria
Scattered tubular cristae

From: R Schmidt
Neuropathy: Hydroxychloroqine-associated

Toluidine blue stain
Large axons
Thinly myelinated
Regenerating axon clusters
Endoneurial vessels: Thick walls

Toluidine blue stain
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Hydroxychloroquine myopathy
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Muscle biopsies