No inflammation
Axon loss

H&E stain

Gomori trichrome stain
Loss of myelinated axons: Severe

VvG stain

Toluidine blue stain
Loss of myelinated axons: Severe
Toluidine blue stain

Neurofilament stain
Large Axons: Severe loss
Small axons: Relative preservation
Control nerve: Many large axons

Neurofilament stain
Neurofilament (Green) & Myelin basic protein (MBP) (Red) stains
Large Myelinated Axons
Severe loss
Only a few remaining axons have associated myelin basic protein
Normals: Largest myelinated axons commonly have myelin containing MBP

Neurofilament (Green) & Myelin basic protein (MBP) (Red) stains
In myelin around a few remaining larger axons
p0 is also present in Schwann cells with no associated axons (Büngner bands)
p0 is present in myelin on most myelinated axons
Few or no empty p0 cells without axons

Neurofilament (Green) & P0 (Red) stains
Present around most small, unmyelinated axons
NCAM is also present in Schwann cells with no associated axons (Büngner bands)
Few large axon stained for neurofilaments
Few or no empty p0 cells without axons
Many large axons with no associated NCAM
Neurofilament (Green) & NCAM (Red) stains
Büngner bands
p0 and NCAM co-localize in Schwann cells with no associated axons (Yellow)
Small NCAM positive cells (Green) are associuated with remaining small, unmyelinated axons
Normal: Many p0 positive myelin sheaths with no NCAM

NCAM (Green) & p0 (Red) stains

Congo red stain
Endoneurial Vessels: Large with thick walls (Arrows)

Toluidine blue stain
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