H&E stain
Necrosis: Regional, Early stage
Large cluster of necrotic fibers (Arrows) with
Cytoplasm: Dark or Very Pale
Internal architecture & Myonuclei: Lost
Perimysium near region of clustered necrosis
Fragmented & Pale connective tissue

VvG stain
Necrosis: Regional, Early stage
Large cluster of necrotic fibers (Arrow) with
Cytoplasm: Dark or Very Pale
Internal architecture & Myonuclei: Lost
Perimysium near region of clustered necrosis
Fragmented & Pale connective tissue

Gomori trichrome stain
Necrosis: Regional, Early stage
Large region containing very pale necrotic fibers (Arrows)

NADH stain
Necrosis: Regional, Early stage
Scattered fibers in region of necrosis have intermediate staining
Perimysial vein (Arrow): Pale staining wall

ATPase pH 4.3 stain
Necrosis: Regional, Early stage
Histiocytes (Acid phosphatase +): Scattered in perimysium & endomysium
In this early stage, and likely due to an ischemic nature of the process, there is no invasion of muscle fibers by histiocytes

Acid phosphatase stain
Necrosis: Regional, Early stage
Perimysium: Only minor staining
Muscle fibers: No staining around fibers in region of necrosis

Alkaline phosphatase stain
Necrosis: Regional, Early stage

COX stain
Mitochondrial stains: Many muscle fibers in region of necrosis stain pale for SDH and COX

SDH stain
Necrosis: Regional, Early stage
Muscle fibers outside region of necrosis have increased MHC1 on their surfaces

MHC I stain

C5b-9 stain
Necrosis: Regional, Early stage
Region of clustered necrosis (Above): Stains cytoplasm of many muscle fibers
Necrotic muscle fibers
Are mostly located near avascular perimysium
Endomysial capillaries: Many stained for C
Perimysial connective tissue: Diffusely stained for C
Region with only scattered muscle fiber necrosis (Below)
5b-9 stains many endomysial capillaries
Perimysial connective tissue: Some areas stained for C

C5b-9 stain

Gomori trichrome stain
Perimysial Vessels
Surrounded by damaged perimysium populated by increased cellularity (probably histiocytes).

H&E stain

VvG stain
Perimysial Vessels
Vessel walls are abnormal with loss of fibrils.

VvG stain

H&E stain
Necrotic muscle fibers
Early necrotic fibers: Have
"Dark" necrosis with dark stained featureless cytoplasm and no myonuclei
Some non-necrotic fibers (Bottom Right) have retained sarcoplasmic reticulum staining in cytoplasm
Later necrotic fibers: Pale, fragmented cytoplasm with no associated histiocytes

Gomori trichrome stain
Necrosis, Later stage
Pale-stained fibers (Arrow) with: Fragmented cytoplasm; No associated histiocytes
"Dark" Necrotic Fibers are also present

Gomori trichrome stain
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