HMSN with Minifascicles

Congo red stain
Minifascicles: Sural nerve with many small fascicles
Age: 33 weeks gestation + 10 weeks post-partum

Gomori trichrome stain

H&E stain

Gomori trichrome stain
Sural nerve: Fascicles
Varied size from tiny to intermediate sized

VvG stain

Neurofilament stain
Sural nerve: Axons
Small & Larger axons in all fascicles
Small axons have associated non-myelinating Schwann cells (Yellow & Red (Below))

Neurofilament + NCAM stain

Neurofilament stain

NCAM stain

Toluidine blue stain; From K Sugie
- Multiple small fascicles in single sural nerve
- Reduced numbers of larger myelinated axons
Minifascicles: Sciatic Nerve

Toluidine blue stain
Sciatic nerve
4 to 5 fold increase in numbers of fascicles
Sciatic nerve
Many larger axons have thin, or no, myelin
Axon populations vary among fascicles

Toluidine blue stain
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