

Muscle Pathology
25 year old female

H&E stain
Muscle fiber sizes: Varied
Internal nuclei: some muscle fibers
Endomysial connective tissue: Midly increased

H&E stain

Gomori trichrome stain
Muscle fiber sizes: Varied
Endomysial connective tissue: Midly increased

VvG stain

NADH stain
Internal Architecture
  Internal clear/pale regions with irregular borders

NADH stain

NADH stain

Cytochrome oxidase stain
Internal Architecture
  Internal clear/pale regions with irregular borders

Cytochrome oxidase stain

SDH stain

ATPase pH 4.3 stain

ATPase pH 4.3 stain

ATPase pH 9.4 stain

LC3 stain
Muscle fiber aggregates: stain for LC3

LC3 stain

UEA I stain
Endomysial capillaries: Normal

2 year old female

H&E stain
Muscle fibers: Mildly varied sizes

VvG stain

NADH stain
Internal architecture: Mildly coarse, punctate

H&E stain

VvG stain

Gomori trichrome stain
Internal architecture: Mildly coarse, punctate

NADH stain

ATPase pH 9.4 stain
Fiber types: Mild non-random distribution

ATPase pH 4.3 stain

Cytochrome oxidase stain

Cytochrome oxidase stain
Mitochondria: No definite pathology

SDH stain

Sudan Black stain
Lipid droplets: Mildly large

Sudan Black stain

PAS stain
Glyucogen: Normal

AMPDA stain
Internal Architecture: Irregular in few fibers

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