Centronuclear (Myotubular) Myopathy
General: Pathologic differential diagnosis
- Central nuclei
- Clustered central nuclei: Bin1
- Central & Internal, Multiple: TTN
- Central muscle fiber staining
- Radiating sarcoplasmic strands (NADH): DNM2
- Necklace fibers
- Connective tissue pathology: DNM2
- Endomysial connective tissue: Increased
- Perimysium: Replaced by fat
- Type I fiber predominance/smallness: MTM1; DNM2,
Bin1, TTN
- Core-like regions: RYR1; TTN
Centronuclear myopathy: Infantile
A single central nucleus is present in many muscle fibers

H&E stain

H&E stain

H&E stain
A single central nucleus is present in many muscle fibers

H&E stain

Toluidine blue stain
Central nuclei & abnormal internal architecture

Toluidine blue stain

Toluidine blue stain

Toluidine blue stain
A single central nucleus is present in many muscle fibers

Electron microscopy from T Mozaffar
Type I (light) muscle fibers tend to be smaller than type II.
Clear regions occur in center of some fibers.

ATPase stain, pH 9.4

ATPase stain, pH 9.4
Internal architecture: Small "Halo" muscle fibers.
Darker staining: Central regions
Clear rim around edge
Common in
MTM1 mutations

NADH stain

NADH stain
Centronuclear myopathy: Childhood

H&E stain

H&E stain

NADH stain

ATPase stain, pH 9.4
Some smaller muscle fibers
Central nuclei
Other muscle fibers
Central regions are basophilic.
Abnormal internal architecture.
Central dark staining.
Radial strands
Type I (light) muscle fibers
Smaller than type II
Clear central regions
Muscle fibers with abnormal internal architecture, including "radial" strands and necklace fibers

NADH stain
Centronuclear myopathy: Juvenile with Necklace fibers

H&E stain

H&E stain
Muscle fiber sizes: Bimodal distribution
Central nuclei: Especially in smaller fibers
Clefts: In center of other muscle fibers

H&E stain

Gomori trichrome stain
Central nuclei: Especially in smaller fibers
Clefts: In center of other muscle fibers
Rings (Necklaces): In some muscle fibers

Gomori trichrome stain
Necklace fibers
Dark fibers: Rings
Light fibers: Irregular internal architecture

NADH stain

NADH stain

ATPase pH 9.4 stain
Small muscle fibers
Most are type 1
Contain central clear regions

ATPase pH 4.3 stain

Esterase stain
Centronuclear myopathy: Juvenile with many Central nuclei & Type 2C fibers

H&E stain
Many muscle fibers have single central nuclei

H&E stain

VvG stain

NADH stain
Abnormal internal architecture around central nuclei

ATPase pH 9.4 stain

ATPase pH 4.3 stain
Many abnormal, intermediate-staining (type 2C), muscle fibers
Centronuclear myopathy: Juvenile with Small muscle fibers & Punctate central NADH stain

H&E stain
Many muscle fibers have single central nuclei

H&E stain stain

NADH stain
Punctate central staining in many muscle fibers

ATPase pH 9.4 stain
Type 1 muscle fibers are smaller than type 2

ATPase pH 4.3 stain
Centronuclear myopathy: Teenage, DNM2 mutation

H&E stain
Myopathic muscle
Central nuclei: Single; In most muscle fibers
Endomysial connective tissue: Increased between muscle fibers
Fat: Replaces perimysium and some muscle

Gomori trichrome stain

H&E stain

NADH stain
Abnormal internal architecture
Muscle fibers may have radial strands, necklace formations or central "dots"

NADH stain

NADH stain

ATPase pH 9.4 stain
Fiber type pathology
Type 1 fibers: Small, Predominant

ATPase pH 4.3 stain
Fiber types: All type I

Acid phosphatase stain

Cytochrome oxidase stain
Central abnormalities in internal architecture
Lysosomal (Acid phosphatase positive; Above)
Mitochondrial (COX positive; Left)
Endoplasmic reticulum (Caveolin-3 positive; Below)

Caveolin-3 stain
Cytoplasmic abnormalities: Dystrophin & Desmin staining

Dystrophin stain

Desmin stain
Nuclei: Large central nuclei with irregular emerin

Emerin stain
Centronuclear Myopathy, DNM2 mutations: Individual muscle fibers

H&E stain stain
Central Nuclei: Often large

H&E stain

Gomori trichrome stain
Central Nuclei: Often large with pale centers

Congo red stain

H&E stain
Other Central Pathology
Multiple central nuclei
Central pallor

VvG stain
Internal Architecture
Abnormal internal regions

VvG stain

NADH stain
Internal Architecture
Radial strands
Central clustering

NADH stain

NADH stain
Internal Architecture
Radial strands

NADH stain

Ultrastructure From C Cai

Ultrastructure From C Cai

Ultrastructure From C Cai

Ultrastructure From C Cai

H&E stain
Central nuclei: Single; Large; In many muscle fibers
Muscle fiber size: Moderately varied
Perimysium: Replaced by fat in some regions

Congo red stain

H&E stain
Central nuclei: Single; Large; In many muscle fibers
Muscle fiber size: Moderately varied
Endomysial connective tissue: Normal to slightly increased

Congo red stain
Abnormal Muscle Fibers
Many fibers have central nuclei
A few smaller muscle fibers have basophilic cytoplasm & clustered, irrregular-shaped nuclei

H&E stain

Acid phosphatase stain
Acid phosphatase staining: Around central nuclei; Central regions in other muscle fibers

VvG stain
Peripheral halos: Pale; Subsarcolemmal

Gomori trichrome stain

PAS stain

SDH stain
Peripheral halos: Mitochondria concentrated in center of muscle fibers

COX stain
Peripheral halos: SR concentrated in center of muscle fibers

NADH stain

VvG stain

ATPase pH 9.4 stain
Fiber types
Type 1 predominance
Central clear regions
No halos
Some small muscle fibers are type 2C (Below)

ATPase pH 4.3 stain
Neuromuscular junctions: Dark stained; Large

Esterase stain
Perimysial Vein & Artery
Normal structure

VvG stain
Centronuclear myopathy (CNMX): Adult male (43 years), MTM1 missense mutation (V447M)

H&E stain
MTM1 Centronuclear Myopathy: Adult
Internal nuclei: 3 populations of muscle fibers
Single: Often central
Multiple: Often somewhat linear arrangement
Fiber size vatiation
Scattered intermediate-sized round or polygonal fibers

VvG stain

H&E stain
MTM1 Centronuclear Myopathy: Adult
Internal nuclei: 3 populations of muscle fibers
Single: Often central
Multiple: Often somewhat linear arrangement
Endomysial connective tissue: Normal

Gomori trichrome stain

VvG stain
MTM1 Centronuclear Myopathy: Adult
Internal nuclei: 3 populations of muscle fibers
Single: Often central
Multiple: Often somewhat linear arrangement
None: Some fibers with abnormal central regions but no nuclei (Below)
Muscle fiber internal architecture
Some fibers have
Central dark staining
Sarcoplasmic reticulum with radial strands or irregular shapes
Irregular cytoplasm staining around central nuclei
Fiber size vatiation
Scattered intermediate-sized round or polygonal fibers
Endomysial connective tissue: Normal

VvG stain

ATPase pH 9.4 stain
MTM1 Centronuclear Myopathy: Adult
Internal nuclei: 3 populations of muscle fibers
Single: Often central; Mostly in Type 1 fibers
Multiple: Often somewhat linear arrangement; Mostly in Type 2 fibers
None: Some fibers with abnormal central regions but no nuclei, Mostly in Type 1 fibers (Below)
Muscle fiber internal architecture
Type 2 fibers have more irregular internalarchitecture (Above)
Fiber types
Type 1 fibers
Predominance: In some areas (Below)
Smallness: In some areas; Intermediate sized; More smallness in fibers with central nuclei
Type 2 fibers
More likely to have: Multiple or No internal nuclei

ATPase pH 4.3 stain

NADH stain
MTM1 Centronuclear Myopathy: Adult
Type 1 fibers (Dark)
Predominance: In some areas
More likely to have
Aggregates, some clustered around internal nuclei
Radial strands

NADH stain

H&E stain
MTM1 Centronuclear Myopathy: Adult
Internal nuclei
Many fibers have single central nuclei
Gomori trichrome stain (Below)
Myonuclei often have clear centers
One fiber has a central red-stained region (Arrow)

Gomori trichrome stain

VvG stain
MTM1 Centronuclear Myopathy: Adult
Internal nuclei
Many fibers have single central nuclei

VvG stain

Congo red stain
MTM1 Centronuclear Myopathy: Adult
Internal nuclei
Many fibers have single central nuclei
Some fibers have abnormal (blurred) internal architecture around internal nuclei (Below)

Congo red stain

VvG stain

H&E stain
MTM1 Centronuclear Myopathy: Adult
Internal nuclei
A minority of fibers have several internal nuclei

H&E stain

Gomori trichrome stain
MTM1 Centronuclear Myopathy: Adult
Internal nuclei
A minority of fibers have several internal nuclei
These fibers tend to have more irregular internal architecture

Gomori trichrome stain

VvG stain
MTM1 Centronuclear Myopathy: Adult
Internal nuclei
A minority of fibers have several internal nuclei
These fibers tend to have more irregular internal architecture
VvG stain

Congo red stain

VvG stain
MTM1 Centronuclear Myopathy: Adult
Muscle fibers: Internal architecture
Some fibers have irregular internal architcture extending from their center

VvG stain

VvG stain
MTM1 Centronuclear Myopathy: Adult
Muscle fibers: Internal architecture
Some fibers have central structural abnormality without central nuclei

Congo red stain

NADH stain
MTM1 Centronuclear Myopathy: Adult
Muscle fibers: Internal architecture changes include
Irregular sarcoplasmic aggregates
Sarcoplasmic staing around internal nuclei

NADH stain
MTM1 Centronuclear Myopathy: Adult
Muscle fibers: Internal architecture changes include
Dark central structures with radial strands
Irregular sarcoplasmic aggregates
Sarcoplasmic staing around internal nuclei

NADH stain

LAMP2 stain
MTM1 Centronuclear Myopathy: Adult
Central Lysosomal Dots: Stain for LAMP2

LAMP2 stain

LAMP2 stain
LAMP2 stain: Normal muscle
No central lysosomal dots

LAMP2 stain

VvG stain
Muscle fiber sizes: Moderately varied
Internal nuclei: One or Several

H&E stain

H&E stain
Muscle fiber sizes: Moderately varied
Internal nuclei: One or Several

VvG stain

Congo red stain
Internal nuclei: One or Several, Mildly large

Congo red stain

NADH stain
Internal architecture: Core-like areas, often containing nuclei

NADH stain

NADH stain
Internal architecture: Core-like areas, often containing nuclei

NADH stain

Desmin stain
Desmin: Moderately irregular cytoplasm stain

COX stain
Core-like lesions
Internal nuclei; Surrounded by acid phosphatase stain

Acid phosphatase stain

ATPase ph 9.4 stain
Type 1 fiber predominance

ATPase ph 4.3 stain
Also see:
Congenital fiber type size disproportion
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Centronuclear myopathy
J Neuropathol Exp Neurol 2016 Jan 28