H & E stain
Calcification of perimysial vessel walls

H & E stain

Congo Red stain

Alizarin red stain
Calcium deposited in vessel walls

Alizarin red stain
Calcium deposited in capillaries

Alizarin red stain
Muscle pathology in calciphylaxis

H & E stain
Muscle fiber pathology in calciphylaxis
Fiber sizes: Varied; Bimodal distribution
Myonuclei: Large; Irregular shapes

H & E stain
Muscle fiber pathology in calciphylaxis
Fiber sizes: Varied; Bimodal distribution
Small muscle fibers: Angular
Myonuclei: Large; Irregular shapes
Endomysial capillaries: Some are large

H & E stain

Gomori Trichrome stain
Muscle fiber pathology in calciphylaxis
Fiber sizes: Varied; Bimodal distribution
Small muscle fibers: Angular
Endomysial capillaries: Some are large

NADH stain
Muscle pathology in calciphylaxis
Muscle fiber internal architecture: Irregular
Endomysial capillaries: Large (Below)

NADH stain
Endomysial capillaries: Pathology in calciphylaxis
Misoriented (Circumferential around muscle fibers

UEA I stain
Muscle pathology in calciphylaxis
Endomysial capillaries: Large

UEA I stain
Muscle pathology in calciphylaxis
Muscle fiber sizes
Atrophy: Most fibers
Type 2 muscle fibers: Smaller than type 1
Perimysial connective tissue
Replaced by fat

ATPase pH 4.3 stain
Subcutaneous tissue pathology in caliciphylaxis
- Alkaline phosphatase staining
- Hemosiderin deposits
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